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Light Sabers


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Ok, well i'm quite new at anything that has to do with modelling. I downloaded Gmax(am actualy in the process of downloading it). Anyways, to the point! I have made my own Jedi character. Reenos Kataarei(pronounced Ree-noce Kuh-tar-A) and i am looking to make him his own lightsaber and character model. because i am not that advanced in modeling i'd like to start off with his lightsaber(i imagine its easier then the character model). If anyone would like to help me with some idea's for what the lightsaber(the whole thing..not just the blade) should look like, i will gladly give you some credit when all is done. any help would be appreciated. you can send me photos or just write me an e-mail at bloodandgutz69@hotmail.com


thank you for your time=)

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