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multi player help!

jedi donkey

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a friend of mine just got the game recently and we hav bin trying to play each other on the net but hav bin unsuccesful, we hav tryed useing msn messenger to link a game for the two of us but nothing happend, could come one give advice on how we can hav a link multiplayer game for the two of us?

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First one of you has to find out his ip. Go to the windows startmenu and enter winipcfg in "Run" . The program that loads will tell you your IP .( Alternatively start the game open the console with shift and the key left to 1 and type showip .

Now disable the fullscreen option in video setup and alt tab out of the game.) Tell your friend your IP . Then create a (non-dedicated) server . ( You may enable fullscreen now.)

Your friend has to start the game, open console and type connect [ip] e.g. connect .


An easier way is to play on the zone: http://zone.msn.com/jedioutcast/

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