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Phantasy star model


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Can anyone with (some) skill make some Phantasy Star online skins/models? It was a kick ass game and since they used photon weapons that fits into starwars somewhat. i think a good start would be a human skin. i cant remember the genetic name but hes the one in red usually, go to phantasy star online .com or whatever


this will make a really good model...

just an idea

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phatansy star is a great game and concept but what lacks from your post is enthusiam. if you want some one else to spend the time to model them for you you atleast have to spedn the time showing that you really want the situation to happen.


like posting some links to specific images ... :


[/url] male humar


double saber eh?




group pic 1


group pic 2


whole cast


those are of phantasy star online, and that is what i assume you meant. but just for nostalgia here are soem fo the older concept art.


old chaz




all hail zio


and ofcourse lassic!


... hmm well alright thats all i got for now, good idea i say :)



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didnt know i had to go full force


i dont know how to post pics...


but if u need more convincing......


a great concept that is probly more simpler to create is DB's Saber


in the game it was blue fluxuating to green, not the best weapon in the game but it looked really cool.but im not focusing on weapons...

there are awesome moves in jk2, id love to see a character from PSO wall run and cartwheel in midair, slashing into something.

i have tons of great ideas for mods... i posted some a while ago, if anyone is interested i can post it again.

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