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I want my KICK back!


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I play in Aus using a 56k connection. I play mainly duel to minimise the impact of the slower connection speed.


I will admit that the 1.03 patch really hurt me and it is taking a while to adapt, but I am getting there.


I can live with most changes except for the too powerful backstab and having to hit jump twice to kick.


I will leave the backstab as that has already been discussed at great length and looks like being addressed by Raven.


But kick! to modem players it puts us at a severe disadvantage to anyone with cable or ADSL. Not only do I have virtually no chance of getting one in against an opponent they are able to kick me with relative ease. I used kick quite alot pre patch and it formed an important part of my arsenal of techniques. Now, if i'm lucky, I will pull a couple of side kicks. They are not a real alternative as it is hard to see people to the side of you and judge your kicks and if you do pull it off you a not in position for the killing blow.


Modem users have always been at a disadvantage, I mean how often do you see the leader of any one game who has a ping in excess of 200? But with a little creative play I have always manage to do ok. But this kick change is really hurting.


What I can't understand is why the change was made. I visit the forums regularly and I didn't notice any complaints about kick pre patch, so why change it?


I would like Raven to review this and change kick back to how it was pre patch.



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learn to side kick.


It's actually easier than normal kicks because you seem to take damage from the enemy's saber less often and players don't expect it as much.


But yeah it sucks, I think they changed it so it wasn't so easy to kick off a wall when you were actually trying to jump over it.


Woulda preferred they just took forward wall jumps out since they have no tactical value anyways.

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Yes I do side kick but as I say in my post it is harder to see and thus harder to plan the move, plus you are not in a good position for a final killing blow.


I know a 56k modem connection will always be a disadvantage against cable users and I have learned to deal with it. I am not complaining about the connection difference specifically. what I do find annoying is that this change has increased the disadvantage and for no apparent reason, other than it is a little easier to jump onto certain areas on some maps. Thats not what I call a fair trade off.


And damnit all, I LIKE kick-flips.




"Thats not a saber, THIS is a saber!"

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