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Changing Rodian to Boba/Jango Fett


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Just create a folder "whatever/models/players/rodian" and place all the necessary Jango/Boba Fett files in it (e.g. model.glm, model_default.skin and the textures). Now add the "whatever" folder to a Zip-archive (without any compression and with keeping subfolders). After that rename the "whatverer.zip" file to "whatever.pk3" and place it in the GameDate/base folder.


Hopefully, this should work :cool:



P.S. : You know that after this ALL the Rodians in SP will be Jango/Boba Fetts!

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Originally posted by Flipmode23

If it works (test it in the bar on Nar Shaddar), you better start a new game cuz if you load a saved game, the weapons will appear on the knees of Jango/Boba!


So that's what it was!!! :)


I loaded a save game with Boba and his gun was on his knee :)


Jango was fine though. Now playing through SP with Jango.


Thanks for that info :)

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so then if i wanted to use the .pk3 that is out to replace desann with vader, i would have to play through the whole thing to play him. damn. guess thats why none of the pk3's that are out work. there's one to play as desann, luke, and maul, and when i tried to use the luke one so i could play vader, his saber was upside down below his knees. so i gues that means i'll have to start with luke just to play vader. F@** that. :anakin:

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I've tried to play as jango too, but i dont get it. can u tell me exactly wich files i need or can i have your pk3 vor Jango as SP model ???



I would be very gratefull



greetz Kharn

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ok firstly, if you want to play as luke vs vader, why not just use the devmap command to go to the last map of the game? that should solve your knee weapons problem.


Secondly, to play as jango fett, you have to do the following.


1. open the mandalorian.zip

2. extract all the files, making sure to keep the directories (this is an option in the extract dialog)

3. you should have 6 folders extracted, each containing various subfolders...make 6 empty folders with the same names as these folders, and add the sub-folders (such as models/players)

4. get all the jango_fett related files from the extracted directories and put them in the relevant empty folders, e.g. get models/players/jango_fett and put it in your empty models/players folder).

5. once all the jango_fett files are in place, change all folders named jango_fett to kyle.

6. Now we have to make a pk3. This is very simple. Select the 6 main folders that you created earlier on. Right click, and click "Add to Zip". A dialog appears. in the "add to archive" box, click the end of the path and type a name (i.e. spjango) followed by .pk3 (so, spjango.pk3). Leave compression as normal. Then click add.

7. Once this is done, get your new pk3 and place it in your jk2 gamedata/base directory.

8. Start JK2, start a new game, and you should find you're now playing as jango fett. Hurrah!


Hope this helps



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I don't know if any of you have played with my imperial vs. rebels conversion, but i am updating it and am hoping to switch the rodians, weequays, and grans to bounty hunters. I have sent a message to bloodriot asking if i can use their models in my mod.

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I found this does not work, does it realise there is something wrong with the folder, and run the run from my CD instead?

In logic i see how it would work, except the files are still there from the other Pk3 asset files.

i even tried to edit those and it still uses the Kyle model.


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No....it dynamically loads pk3's...so it loads assets0.pk3, then loads your custom pk3, and "overwrites" assets0.pk3 with your one. Are you sure you've got it in the right directory. It HAS to be in the same directory as all the other pk3 files.

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No....it dynamically loads pk3's...so it loads assets0.pk3, then loads your custom pk3, and "overwrites" assets0.pk3 with your one. Are you sure you've got it in the right directory. It HAS to be in the same directory as all the other pk3 files.



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