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Sabre suggestion...


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I think this has been suggested before, so this could just be a bump, but...


There should be an option in which if you swing at a thrown sabre and hit it right, you can knock it to the ground. Then, you either can switch weapons, or pick it up. Your opponent cannot affect it, so he cant go pushing it into a pit or anything. You can, however, use pull on it. Maybe there shoud be an automatic pull function once you get within a few feet.



Got this idea from the sabre fights you have with Desann and Tavion. Throw the sabre at them, and they go bonkers, you get a storm of sparks and smoke, and bam, your sabre is on the floor. I doubt this is really a spoiler, but I whited it out anyway to avoid flame. Will get it anyway, probably. ;)



Anyone wanna see this as a function that can be enabled?



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