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What do YOU think is the best console,X-Box or PS2?


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SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)


Look that dosen't even deserve an answer. I mean you didn't even put in the GC (GameCube)!! When Microsoft were asked who they saw as their compeditors in the console world they said "what? we only have one compeditor; Nintendo".


PS2 is sh­it and X-BOX is just slightly better.


GC rocks.



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Originally posted by Meksilon

SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)


Look that dosen't even deserve an answer. I mean you didn't even put in the GC (GameCube)!! When Microsoft were asked who they saw as their compeditors in the console world they said "what? we only have one compeditor; Nintendo".






I agree,I love GameCube!But that's not related to the topic!I started this topic because I wanted to know what you guys(and girls)thought was the best console of X-Box and PS2!I think almost everyone around here like GameCube best,but that's another case.


Please excuse my bad english.

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Originally posted by Drunken_Sailor

I agree,I love GameCube!But that's not related to the topic!I started this topic because I wanted to know what you guys(and girls)thought was the best console of X-Box and PS2!I think almost everyone around here like GameCube best,but that's another case.


Please excuse my bad english.

Well then you have to say X-Box; 4 controller ports, better controllers (assuming you use the JAP ones), better unit (components are built to last), better DVD playback, support for HD-TV... et cetera.


But compare to the good old SNES:


SNES: more then 700 popular games

X-BOX: less then 7 popular games

SNES: many 2D rpgs, adventures and platformers + some 3D games

X-BOX: none - all 3D

SNES: high-speed cartridges with built in battery memory

X-BOX: DVDs, requires memory card for saving games

SNES: 2 controller ports, optional 5 player adapter

X-BOX: 4 controller ports

SNES: 16-Bit system

X-BOX: 128-Bit (less efficient, slower reading)*

SNES: 512x448 Resolution

X-BOX: Pretends to be 1920x1080 (very inefficient)

SNES: Clock Speed 3.58, 2.68, and 1.79 MHz (variable)

X-BOX: 733 MHz (Intel - dirty!)



SNES: Audio Channels: 8

X-BOX: Audio Channels: 64

SNES: Software RAM available!

X-BOX: On a DVD?

SNES: Video filter that gives a smoth effect!

X-BOX: Much higher res then required, gives a "smooth" effect.

SNES: Great Audio Video filter!

X-BOX: Recorded music rather then MIDI.


X-BOX just can't compare!!




*for those who understand what Bit means and have some knowledge of how to program machine code.

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