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CloneTrooper model thoughts?


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Hey all, what do you think so far? Basically a mod of the storm trooper because thats what they basicly are.. Remodeled the head though and modified some of the other bodyparts..

I also created another model of the clonetroopers based off of the concept sketches, but they arent the offical look so i figured i would make it more authentic. BTW. I suck at skinning, i always have been a modeler not a painter/skinner. So maybe some one would like to skin this baby up. :p


Heres some shots..



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even though i appreciate all the effort everyone puts into models and skins, i think your clone trooper model SURPASSES any clone trooper out there. i hope i'm not offending anyone, but a clone trooper's head painted over a shadow trooper's doesn't look authentic enough to me.


and supposedly the clone trooper's visor can see through any "sh|tty" condition, so i don't know exactly what the light would be for. HOWEVER, can you possibly do some kind of shader thing that could make it blink? it would be cool to see it on him. there's a darth mekanus (?) skin that has blinking lights, and i think the darth vader model does too. just my 2 cents.


i'm really psyched about your model ... keep up the great work!

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Hey thanks for all of the input guys, i'll get to work on all of your suggestions immediatly.. Please keep adding your suggestions, like i said i want to make this look as authentic as possible..

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Originally posted by Tap[RR]

Pretty good, well sort.. of.. work on modeling sme more, dont release this, since it is obviously your first model. Good start too, hheh work on the head then try to model a body of your own.



Better than you could do, stop harassing the mans work. Or I'll shot you with my AT-AT:atat:

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ok ok ok, phew... 4 hours later i've got myself a new head.. And i think it looks much much better.. (took the advice to model my own head), and no this isnt my first model i have modeled before for quake3 and NOLF. But i just figured it being a clone trooper and it being related to the stormtrooper and all why should i go and reinvent the wheel so to speak.. So i figured i would use the resources i had.. Neways... let me know what you guys think now.. BTW. Thanks for the link to the image, it helped much much more.. Last time i hade to create the helmet from my memory of the movie, so this time i had the visual.. Hope i can finish this off soon, going to bed now, its late!! :p



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Whoo hoo! ok over excited i guess.. here's the helmet skinned... yeah i know its not the same color as the models armor.. (need to re-skin that) but looks good i think, give me your input.. and on the note of the light on the fin.. where exactly does that go, and do you have an image of it? I dont remember a light in the movie.. hmmm...




Skinned helmet

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Yes the model is NEAR Perfect, I agree that the helmit is a tad to thick but other than that its fine. btw when ur done with the model DONT FORGET that the CTF skins should be like the red and blue colored armor is the moive

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Yeah I got the red and blue skins down :) 10 steps ahead of ya :p


But is the head too think horizontaly or verticaly?or from front to back? My judgement is a little off... not many photo's to refrence from.. And what should i use for sounds? cause there arent any clonetrooper sounds yet... Are there any jango fett sounds yet? Cause i could apply a static filter like an intercom or CB radio sound... hmmm very tricky.. or i could just use the storm trooper sounds... i hope i can get a beta of this model working soon.. i'll keep you guys updated...

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Originally posted by Darth_spidey



Better than you could do, stop harassing the mans work. Or I'll shot you with my AT-AT:atat:


I dunno, more like motivation, i never harassed him or insulted. I encouraged him to keep trying, hell looks like it worked from the new head, great work, keep it up. Also i'd appreciate it if you'd well pardon my words but, grow up, there was no need to insult my skill. ;)

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