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start´changing the jpg-files


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Hi everybody!!


First of all I am a very beginner!!

In want to create a new skin but when I open the files only a square appears where u can hardly see the hands for example, or the face is "streched" to the right and left while the nose appears in the top-left corner (the skins are alwasy in that square). I wonder now how i shall change the skin now?!?


Please help me quickly!!!


Thank u already for your help




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  • 2 weeks later...

hehe u are funny! hehehehe


no im not gonna be rude! they are supposed to be in "boxes" all skin file is that way!


and the face are stretched and the nose is in one of the corners and it is supposed to be that why...


and second of all, i know why u can almost see the hands, your monitor/screen is too dark, try do make it brighter, i have the sam e problem!

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