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My Server is Nearly Always Empty...


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When people connect to my server, they usually have 1 of 2 problems:


#1: Invalid PK3 Files Referenced.

#2: They join, and get disconnected 10 seconds later.


If they are even lucky enough to get past the Invalid PK3, 75% of the people get booted as soon as they join!


I don't know what's going on, but it started yesterday and it's getting on my nerves.

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Well if they dont get the Invalid PK3 error, once they join, it just says "<name> Disconnected" soon after.


And it stops doing it once the server gets a few people in it.. Not everyone gets the disconnected either, so thats weird.


I'm using Road Runner through a Linksys 4-Port, and yes, I have forwarded it properly.


And that's probably the problem: the forwarding. I've had to switch ports atleast 5 times now... I don't know whats causing it, but its a pain to get my server going...


Even on the Ded Window all's it says is "<name> Disconnected"...




I didn't get the 1.03a, could that be the problem?

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I need my server to be pure. I don't like having to answer the stupid question: "Do you see my skin?" every 5 seconds.


And yes, making your server unpure will definately fix the problem. The Invalid PK3 is caused by Pure, if you make it Unpure, ANY PK3's are allowed.


I also now refer to the Invalid PK3 error as my "Newbie Filter". It seems ever since this error started showing up I've had less Newbs on my server (or ASCs or whatever).


Only the respectable people can get in. This game has a mind of it's own!!

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