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Taunt in MP?


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In the game or at the main menu, press Shift + ~ (~=the key next to the number one)

This will bring up the console.

type /bind +whateverkeyyouwantobind taunt


/bind taunt +whateverkeyyouwantobind


I can remeber which order it goes in. Sorry


An example:

/bind taunt +INS

This will bind the Insert key to the taunt


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I am fairly sure it's one of the above methods...


Good Luck



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Originally posted by nitr0

Actually its


bind "key" +taunt




Actually, the quotes don't matter. The Q3 engine takes away the quotes no matter what, so:


bind keyname +taunt


works just as good (and better since you don't have to type anymore) than:


bind "keyname" +taunt

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Originally posted by JR128

:D :D


But really has anyone found out if you can bind different taunts to different chars? Like luke saying hey you there, or dewd howd you do that?


heh, never tried that. Dont know if it can work:confused:

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