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master steve

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walpurgis999, if you want to convert it is really easy.


1. unzip the pk3 file

2. go into models/players/[character (we'll say we're editing Yoda for SP]

3. go into model_default.skin using notepad. Click edit, replace all, and replace "yoda" with "kyle."

4. now check that list of JGPs and TGAs. If any of them have the word Yoda in the name change it to Kyle. I.E, change "yoda_torso.jpg" to "kyle_torso.jpg."

5. No go up a level so you are in models/players, and rename to file called yoda to kyle.

6. go up a few more levels until you see the models folder. Zip it, then rename it to whatever you want but the extension has to be .pk3, not .zip

7. put that is your Base directory

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My, my. That's blunt. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but a blunt object will leave a freaking huge dent in my skull. Which is a bone. And stones are generally blunt objects. So, sticks and stones may break my bones and leave a big gaping hole in my head.

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Originally posted by Mark_Li

You just did a very very sorry paintover/manip of the Jedi/Prisoner face.


You lose.


After reading this moronic comment from you, I wandered through the JKII.net file section, so i could have a look at your masterpeice skins. Frankly, I didn't find any that stuck out as superior enough to boost you up to a position that you can be so negative about other people's work.


This is only the second time I've run into you in these forums, and both times you're being unnecessarily negative toward someone else's work. If all you're here to do is trash other people so you can feel better about yourself, that's called Trolling, and isn't welcome most places. Maybe you should try to provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism rather than the garbage you've been spewing so far.



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