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How 'bout a mod in spirit of 'Clones?

Wes Janson SMR

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No, I don't have one...yet.


But I did have an idea for one. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the Ladder map - a pretty nifty training level to boot. After seeing EPII, however (and remembering certain levels from JK2), I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to have an Episode II themed "ladder-type" level. But instead of replacing enemies, characters, and all that nonsense, we can simply take the game elements and apply them to the level. For example:


I thought about having three distinct levels to play on. One is a "weapon siege" level where the player fights on the side of the Rebels, defending against an Imperial attack on a hidden base. Stromtroopers, Rebel troopers, mechs, TIEs, X-Wings are everywhere. Each enemy killed would respawn and join the action once again - maybe even Kyle. There might be no more than 25 to 30 characters in the fight at all times, but the respawning gives the effect of one, large, continual battle. Big, empty fields, obstacles course, whatever you guys want. Gun emplacements, health charges, ammo pickups, remote guns, and the usual SP power-ups would be strewn throughout the level.


Second level, an extended version of the attack on the Jedi academy. It'll play very similarly to the Ladder, but with constantly respawning Dark Jedi, as well as Light Jedi teammates. Most likely no more than ten to fifteen Jedi at once. Don't need to get ridiculous on this one. '-)


And the third level idea, a combination of both - just like in Episode II. Light Jedi and Rebel troops defending against (or attacking) Dark Jedi and Stormtroopers. Each person killed gets respawned, yadda yadda.. you get the idea.


I don't quite know how many times an enemy should get to respawn. It shouldn't be unlimited, because it might get boring to keep playing until you die. There should be a defined ending, and you'd play it over if you didn't get enough carnage the first time - just like Ladder.


Anyway, I haven't had the time to delve into the level-creation tools yet, as I'm working full-time (and writing books). But I hope to start fiddling around soon. But in the meantime, is there anyone interested in taking this idea up in arms? I mean, to me, this sounds much more feasable than some of the other ideas flying about this board. Especially considering that the SP SDK release is looking to be a no-go.


And besides...By the time I'm good enough to do it, JK2'll be old news. Yeah. Like that'll ever happen. ;-)

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I dunno, I would like to put in clone skins for Stormies and Mace/other jedi skins for jedi. It would be easy (skins already made) but until we have Editing tools 2 there isnt a way to do it without serious single player damage

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Here's the thing, though. For that very reason, I suggested that it not be asthetically re-created for Episode II. Just use the default stuff from the game, and impliment it into a single player map.


The gameplay I'm offering isn't anything overly complicated; at least not more so than the Ladder level. Nothing elaborate, simply a larger battle plain, a few more obsticals (rocks, small structures, etc), and power-ups. And instead of having enemies respawn after the room is cleared, each enemy would respawn imediately after death. That I'm not sure of, since I haven't seen anyone impliment that.


The levels don't need to be transformed into EPII - just capture the "spirit" in the three revitalized Ladder-type levels. It's about time we get a fresh set.

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Great Idea.... I was thinking this same thing too.


If you DID want to make it like the end battle in Episode 2, you could have it in the giant alien stadium thing at the end. A handful of Jedi (custom skins included as part of the pk3) are all clustered in the middle, and constant battle droids (if models are made for them, if not you could just use troopers or something for the moment) from are spawned in at the end of the map..... once one dies, more spawn in, keeping the same amount in the arena at all times to avoid lower framerates.

Plus, it has to have a bitchin soundtrack which suits the mood.... Duel of the fates or any other one of those fast star wars themes would fit the scene nicely methinks.

The only things we'd need are some custom skins (many of the ones we can use are available on the net, just need permission from the authors) A stadium map (complete with those pillars that they were tied up to) and Battle droid models.

all we need for the rest, is a talented coder.


I wish I could help, but I'm afraid I'm a extreme newbie when it comes to these things... I wouldn't mind making custom animations though..... is softimage a hard program to use?

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Might just running around and cutting stuff down get a little monotonous? It'd be like Ladder. Fun and exciting, then you wonder when it will end, then you realize you only have to use the same tactics over and over, then you fall asleep to a rather profane tune. It might need a little change of pace here and there.

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