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water giving off wierd effects....


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Ive been beta testing and tweeking lately...had the map on the server...etc...ive got the damn thing 95% done but im not releasing it untill i figure this out... I quiet a bit of water in my map and there is a platform over the water....well anyone standing on the platform has a blue shade to him as if he was still in water...anyone know how to fix this? or how to make this stop?

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i dont wnat this to disapear before its answered....please...its only in certain spots and the person and model there both take on a blue color as if they were under water... how can i block this effect if i cant get rid of it?

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Do you want there to be the blue shading effect when you're underwater or does it matter?


EDIT: Er, whoops, I thought you meant you could see the blue fog of underwater when you're standing above water... I have no clue how to fix your problem. :(

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it is doing it when you full vis(extra).... really wierd...it did it before but you couldnt tell as much because it was daytime...now i turned the map to nighttime and you can really tell cuase you like glow blue like your underwater when your walking around or on top of... ill post some screenshots later but right now im heading out to work...

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I get the same thing. Its kinda like your avatar is "shadowed".

It happens to me when-

1 its a dark or shadowy map, and-

2 when I use the water1, water1_2sided, water1_2sided_redux, water1_nofog textures from the yavin list.

I cant seem to make it go away either. And its only when you are right on top or next to the water.

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yes...that is exactly what it is......its really anoying. if you have a model close to water it also takes on a blueish texture...


as for your screenshots....i took some but drom them you cannot really tell about the tint...bu tyou definitely notice it while playing it...if you dont believe me im beta testing my map on my server which is wormsworld duel NF... the map is called Waterfall_duel... if you would like i will send it to you thru icq..MSN...or email. i just want to get this fixed and everything i have tried to do to get rid of this doesnt help.

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I think I finally got it to go away in my map by making sure the "water" brush didnt extent to far "out" into the surrounding land. (ie- keep the water in the pool, so it just touches the edge.)

Also, and Im not sure this helped, but I made sure that it was a fresh .bsp and not a copy over.

on full vis (extra).

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ive tried that... btw here are some screens on what im dealing with...








i havent released it anywhere but my server because i cant get this shading out.

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just read your post. i had this problem as well. try this, it worked for me. wherever two brushes with "water" textures connect, make the two sides that touch NODRAW textures. remember, just where the seams in the water brushes are. if you are experiencing this problem with only one brush, i don't know. if i didn't explain this well enough, tell me, and i'll go into more depth.

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I'm guessing that it has to do with the water shader. water1 for example contains a fog effect, which has a <distancetoopaque> parameter of 128 units. It may be that it's this that's causing the trouble. If the player is within 128 units, he still gets "fogged" by the shader - even if he's not in the water.


Using fog means that the entire fog volume has to be made out of only one brush. At least in q3a - but I guess it's the same in JKII. If it's not one brush, of if it intersects the 0 coordinate on any axis, strange things happen.


Make a custom water shader and try removing the "fogparams" line and the "surfaceparam fog" line in it. The water will then be clear, but you should be able to avoid the error. You are then also able to use several brushes to build a single water volume.


// Grudge

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I had the same problem, it was caused by the "water2" texture I think.

So, I used "mrwater" (yavin I think) on the waterbrush instead then I've put the "water2" texture on the topside of the waterbrush (ctrl+shift). The only problem, there is no fog anymore. But I don't care, since it affects the framerate anyway.

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