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103 crash scripted


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I was just playing a good game with 20 other people this newbe comes and talks alot of *stuff* then someone capped on him big time then he said: Download 1.03 crash scriped at (link removed) SURE ENF IT CRASHES THE SERVER some url like that this has to be fixed in the next patch this happend to my server 3 times in the last week and now i see it spridding...

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It happened on my server as well. Apparently all they do is rename themselves a huge number of times in a script, and the server wigs out and freezes up. The only way to bring it back up is to restart the server.


This should be priority number one for any patch that is currently in the works.


Oh, btw, that link of yours doesn't work.

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email raven about it when you witness it, I already did but if they see that it's happening more and more they'll be more motivated to do something about it.


Are the servers effected for both win/linux, or does it only effect one or the other?

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