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Help! Please, someone who knows their stuff!

Mr. Jango

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Help! I downloaded a darth maul skin off this site, and I loaded it into my game, and it worked fine. I started MP, and chose Maul as my player, and it worked fine. But when I battle other people, they cannont see my skin, and say I am kyle! Why can't they see my Maul skin? Am I the only one who can see it? If so, why even download skins if your the only one who can see them!? Or is there a way for the other opponets to be able to see me as Maul!????

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You just need to find servers running the skins. Some of them list what they run in the description. The problem is, there are sooooo many skins floating around, its hard to get a server that will host the one you want to use.


Models seem to be much more widely accepted by the majority of the servers out there. I mean, a day after Bloodriot and I released our Mandalorians, 50% of players across the boards were running around as Mandalorians ;)


But fear not...if Darth Maul is your character of choice, Bloodriot and I are currently working on him, and he will be released shortly. I'm sure the majority of servers will support him.




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