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from what i've heard there're no talks about an expansion set at the moment, but since JK2 is a big success (so big they even gonna port it to xbox and gamecube) i'm pretty sure they'll make an expansion someday (would be kinda stupid of them if they wouldn't, don't you think?)

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I rekon if their is an expansion pack you should be Kyles Jedi apprentice (maybe Jan) and Kyle could be captured by ooooh say the Sith. It MUST include at least 1 city level where you walk round a city amongst all the civillians (killing them if you please). It MUST include a point in the game where you either go 2 the Dark or Light side (like in JK1) because that will make it longer lasting. It MUST include more force powers (definatly Throw and Destruction). If you go 2 the lightside you save kyle their for preventing the sith from getting the location of the vally of the jedi thus saving the universe, OR choose the darkside and hunt the sith down to take their place, tell kyle a lie about how the sith found out bout the valley, hell tell u the location, you duel him he dies you goto the valley get lots more force powers (or stronger powers like 25X jump) then hunt down sith kill them Take over the Universe.

Tell me what you think of that idea please

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it's unlikely that raven will make two different timelines, and/or light/dark side. just look at jk2: lightside forcepowers are mixed with darkside forcepowers and you can use them without any kind of consequences.


i agree with with you on the city thing and especially on the force thing. it's a must for an expansion to contain more stuff and what is more likely for a jedi game expansion than to have mor forcepowers. while there at it, they also can (and must) include moveable objects so that force throw can be used.


last but not least i have to say that i don't agree with your plot... i thought of a plot where you play a former reborn (remember, after kyle defeated desann and walked out of the temple one reborn was to be seen who just walked there without attacking anyone) who, after the death of desann joins the academy in order to become a real jedi (the first few levels could take place in the academy, serving as a tutorial for the new forcepowers and to adjust player to gameplay changes if some were made). then, luke sends the reborn (you) out on a misson, maybe related with kyle, where you meet mara jade (you met her in MotS, so why not in the jk2 addon?). that plot sounds surely like crap, but it's a start i guess :)

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"If you go 2 the lightside you save kyle their for preventing the sith from getting the location of the vally of the jedi" Didn't Dasaan find the valley? So that would be pretty strange. I think playing the game from Luke Skywalkers perspective would be interesting, there was a lot of cut scenes with Luke (one even fighting Dasaan), how did he get to the valley to stop Dasaan? How did he get into the Star Destroyer hanger? There's a lot of behind the scenes story which surrounds Luke, I think it would be cool if we played some of it! I do agree with a choice to go to the Dark side, it was a missed opportunity for JK2, how I would of loved storming the Jedi Academy with a load of Storm Troopers and Reborns, having a huge fight with the Academy Jedi's only to end with a Luke Skywalker showdown =) I think character classes would be good for the multi player game. Imagine a game where it's team FFA with Bountyhunters -v- Jedi's -v- Sith, also some decent skins wouldn't go unwanted. When I first got JK2 and played the multi player I though WTF!?!? Where's Vader/Boba or even Yoda??? I like the skins but I don't want to just play with people from the game, didn't the programmers ever whach the films?!? Oh b4 I forget; BRING BACK SABER TO IT'S DEFAULT SETTING (B4 THE DAMN PATCH) COS IT SUCKS NOW!!!:lsduel: :lsduel:

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I gotta point out a couple things... First off, the sugestions made by Welshman sound alot like the expantion for the original JediKnight. For those who don't recall, you played Kyle for the first half of the game, then Mara Jade for the last (rushing to save kyle from the clutches of the dark side). We've seen force destruction and throw (the 2 most boring force powers in the original).


Personally I'd like to see some NEW elements. How about objective based multi-player (Alliance vs Remenant storm the base, capture the ship, free the prisoners)? Who'd dig some vehicles (speeder bikes anyone)? What about co-op story-line driven levels?


Just a couple thoughts off the top-o-me-head...

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I agree with Darth Webster. I would have to play as katarn though there is no way I'm going through regaining all thoes force powers again that is just lame, it should definitley have a sith lord in it that is actually far superior to Katarn unlike Dessann and Tavion who were weak and episode I and II elements like music double ended lightsabers that are good and two lightsabres, more sabre moves smarter storm troopers like MOTS when you got their gun they started punching you, multiplayer you should have Episode I and II skins coperative levels and maybe stuff from the past like destroy the shield generator at endor, escape the death star on the Millenium Falcon, make in the single player more NPC characters fighting along side you more say an apprentice or something, the force powers should interact with the levels more, the ability to open a door with your lightsabre Qui Gon Jin style, something stronger than a stromtrooper, the ability to control an AT-AT (it does seem a bit far fetched) fight along side Luke longer, meet up with Han Solo fighting Bob Fett. Multiplayer personalities heck why don't we just sack Raven and do it ourselves from what I wrote there JO needs alot, oh yes alot more LS stances aswell and more force powers are you telling me a jedi has 2 6 all neutral plus 2 dark or light force powers more like 600 put these in the game Raven and I'll die happy! thank you

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i think that the expantion will be there because what happen to Tavion???? shes out there somewhere and sith just dont give up there foolish so inless the incounter with kyle nock some sence into her and shes on the good side now im sure its wide open for another!! .......YES!!!

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Where would a sith lord get a imperial army to kill kyle tought? I don't think that he could walk up and say "I am in command of your army now." Mabe if he mind tricked them but that is kind of lame, a xpack about Kyles encounters with the Yuuzhan Vong would be sweet!

:mob: :mob: :mob:

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