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stuck at academy


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I am stuck trying to make that last bridge as it speeds by. It seems that the bridge moves too fast, and Kyle , too slow.

The "force speed" seems to need a boost. :-(


Any tips?


Also, I've tried using the cheats, but the game refuses to progress to the next level when they are used. Any thoughts on this..?



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I always press force speed first, and then, at the very edge of the pressure plate...zoom to the end of the corridor.

I try to go at the first "boom" sound as the bridge starts back.


However, when I get to the end of the corridor, the bridge is already past the door, and is way out of range from the other door. I'll keep trying tonight.

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heheh to me the saber part was easy without and cheating or walkthroughs... i got lucky I guess cuz all I had to do was find the right things to use the force on then two tries at the saber and I got it...


As for the bridge?


Hmm that one took me about 6 tries. The timing is tough, even when you have done it two or three times replaying the game it's always one of the harder parts to accomplish if you ask me.


What I do:


step on the push plate, and hit speed (or was it vice versa?). Not sure if you have to stay on the plate for an extra second to make it go down all the way (might be that other bridge with the water and the bars).


anyway as soon as the time is right just run towards the bridge. if you see it in the doorway before you start jumping just reset it... you have to run as soon as the bridge starts moving.


By now you have level one force jump, so use it! you will need to jump early and a little to the left (possibly hold left in mid jump), to land it.


don't get disoriented while your on the bridge, this to me is the big reason why even with timing people will miss this jump. your moving lateraly and just want to move straight forward. It gives you a kind of vertigo feeling (but not bad enough to make you feel wierd), but it plays havoc on your timing and accuracy.


finaly I would almost never try to make that jump on the bridges return trip. I have NEVER landed it that way.


I think the distance between the left bridge start and the door you need to go into is just right. the right side bridge start is a bit too close... and goes past before you can even get on the bridge most times.


However this is one of the RARE occasions where I feel that if your truly stuck. Just use one of the force cheat codes. Like maybe setforce speed 2 (or somehting like that) speed 2 should do the trick. either that or jump 2.


But don't get mad if you don't like to cheat, it's just my opinion heheh.

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I've got this segment saved, but would like to move on. This "jump" is starting to ruin the game for me. Is it possible to use a "cheat" like noclip and be able to move on to the next level.


I've tried using this, but after meeting Luke, I get a "error" dialog box which prevents me from moving on....



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What's the error box? Exactly when does it occur? It might be worth jumping over to the TS forum as well and asking there if they have a solution/ideas.


This particular section is a real git to get right. Just run as soon as you hit the switch, and jmup at the last second. Took me a few tries to get it right.


Hey Demangel - on the next section I got my saber first try but:


when I threw my saber to cut down the two stones, I jumped to get close enough to hit one of the ropes, and ended up UNDERNEATH the stone as it fell. Crushed me to death instantly. I laughed so hard :>


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Then error is this :



" Error:



Worldspawn when expecting { "



This keeps me from moving on from the academy level, although Kyle does meet with Luke once he gets his sabre back.



Help please. :-)

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Ok, here is the solution.


Position yourself in front of the button, thus facing the opening to the bridge.


Hit force_speed and move back a little bit at the same time and immediately start running towards the bridge afterwards.


Run straight forward, if you try to fix your possition on the bridge, you will fail!


Once you are close to the opening in the wall (maybe 4/5 of the bridge) hit JUMP and now move to the left and forward while jumping!


That's it. After three tries at the very first time I got there, I never failed that jump again.


Possible problems:

Be sure that you have full force!


Be sure that the bridge comes from the left, if it is on its 'way back' (as was said before), you will fail, whatever you try to do.



If you really want to cheat (which you shouldn't do, for some of the next levels will require a good jumping skill), use "noclip" to possition yourself above! the floor of the opening in the wall, as close to the moving bridge as possible. Once you deactivate "Noclip", you will land on the floor and the "objectives event" will be triggered.

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I just made the jump, actually did it while bridge was coming from the right side.


However, I am still getting this error message after chatting with Luke. I am still unable to progress tot he next level.


" Error: G_ParseSpawnVars: found worldspawn when expecting { "



I used to like this game until a few days ago. Now , for me, the game has developed a fatal flaw. Is this game somewhat "buggy"?

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