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a suggestion about saber combat in mp


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i've noticed since the patch that unless you're using heavy stance you've got a snow ball's chance of getting very many kills against someone else esp. someone using h. stance. i dont know how many times using yellow that i've backed a red user into a corner and unleashed hell on their ass only to have them stand there and kill me with a handfull of hits. the whole stance system is out of whack. what i propose is very simple and believe it will solve everyones gripes about the subject.


level out every stance so that they all do the same damage and have the same defense. thats the simplest way to have them balanced, just have them all the same. what then would be the point of having the stances? mostly personal preference and style and secondly for a different variety of moves and attack angles. i really think that this would be the best solution for this particular problem the patch has brought us, i dont even know where to begin on the force powers. but let me know what you think about this little thought i had, and maybe if it sounds good enough, raven will run with it.

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Yes, let's make all do the same damage, why then use medium or red, when blue is the fastest? Yes, random twirling fights are the funnest! or not!


No offence, but you sound like a newbie.

If you only use one stance then you can either be classed as a:

1) Newbie who don't know how to change/use different stances.

2) Roleplayer who only plays with one kind of stance.


Believe it or not, but sabering is not about CHOSING ONE STANCE, is about using them all, at the correct time.

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I don't agree.



Heavy stance rocks, but it's slow. It may take quite a bit of damage but is for the most part fairly easy to avoid being hit.


Many times now I've battled a heavy stancer with a yellow or blue stance successfully.


The reality is, each stance is most usefull if you used during the right situation. Heavy is good when you have space to run, and your opponent is intent on coming at you agressively. You can usually catch them with a good strike. If your overtly agressive style heavy stance can really pay off, provided yo uhave the room to manuever. Button mashers beware!!


Medium stance or yellow I found is good in most situations. It can cater to both the offensive and defensive player. It's a good stance for going in and testing the waters against your opponenet. Then switch stances as needed.


Blue or light stance I use mostly for very agressive tactics. If I see a player that is more on the defensive and running alot. Such as a heavy stance user, it can be very affective to perform hit and run attacks. You can usually get 2 hits on a heavy user mid swing if you time it right. Forcing the heavy user to either change tactics or die.


IMHO changing stances to suit your given situation is the best route. Or when your up against a player your having trouble with, complete changes of tactics can really help in winning games. The fact that once stance gets you down everytime just means you haven't experimented enough with other stances.


It can be touch to change from a defensive to agressive stance. And some players are just damn good. But as long as you keep the weaknesses of each stance in mind, and practice at quickly adapting your style then you are truly on the path to becoming a great player.

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I dunno man... I think I got around alright in sp with only one saber stance... You could make single saber stance a new gametype. That way, the people who want the new one saber stance only can play it and the people who want all saber stances to be available can have that too. That way, there will be no whining. Whoever wants to complain about DFA's or the backstab can stop whining cuz then, in the single saber stance mode, they will have the same options as the other people so it's not unfair. The people who don't mind about the moves or want to use the various moves can go to the regular gameplay. This would solve everyone's problems and there would no longer be whining on the forums. Whether you are for the single stance mode or not, you have to agree with it. The people who don't like the DFA's and such will have a place to go. The people who are against it will have all the "whiners" out of their way. Think about this. Maybe my idea needs a little adjusting, but that's ok cuz i just thought of it. :)

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Yeh I agree the a single player option would be nice, this way it would be more "realistic" since the damage would be greater, and for you whiners, well just deal, you no like heavy? I find it REALLY easy to conteract it, you....throw a saber at them when they are winding up this way they break their move and get hurt one thing is, take the saber throw maybe down 10 health points, it does get abused kinda but its not bad really.

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You guys are all out of wack. The game wasn't to be critized this much. Use the freaking stance whether its - light, extreme light,super heavy, or cool medium! AHHH! Play the game and shut up! The only way the game is going to get better is if the germans develop a concole with Virtual Reality or they come up with a really really good patch!



My 2 cents.

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Originally posted by Mero Vilul

Yes, let's make all do the same damage, why then use medium or red, when blue is the fastest? Yes, random twirling fights are the funnest! or not!


No offence, but you sound like a newbie.

If you only use one stance then you can either be classed as a:

1) Newbie who don't know how to change/use different stances.

2) Roleplayer who only plays with one kind of stance.


Believe it or not, but sabering is not about CHOSING ONE STANCE, is about using them all, at the correct time.


I am trying to do that lately, but I get killed :p

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I see it balance out in a different way. Though light has a hard time hitting, it has probably the most efficient finisher, The Lunge. The Medium is well, medium. It's blocking and damage is were it should be, and the finisher is awesome, yet hard to hit since it's stationary. The Red is very damaging, capable of deadly strikes or near death. However the DFA, as damaging as it is, is just too slow to be an effective finisher. Honestly, who gets hit by a DFA? Conclusion: Every stance has its benefits. Know them, and use them to the best of your ability. That is all, may the forc...No...No. Peace out. :)



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posted by: Methos

i've noticed since the patch that unless you're using heavy stance you've got a snow ball's chance of getting very many kills against someone else esp. someone using h. stance. i dont know how many times using yellow that i've backed a red user into a corner and unleashed hell on their ass only to have them stand there and kill me with a handfull of hits. the whole stance system is out of whack. what i propose is very simple and believe it will solve everyones gripes about the subject.


I disagree...

Red stance sure is a damn good stance... but the other stances rock to, in their own ways...

And Red stance also costs you quite a lot of force power points... (full Saber Attack gives Red Stance).

Anyways, i only use Yellow and Blue stances and i obliterate anyone with red stance...

When they strike, walk to the right/left of them and stab em in the side, they cant do any backward killer moves cause u aint behind them and you can do quite some damage (untill they catch on, if they do so in time).

Yellow stance has a couple of very usefull and cool moves, first of all the spin (heavy damage, somewhat slow speed though) and secondly the flying/stabbing move which is an instant kill (hard to do, but when you've mastered it, you're unstoppable).

Blue stance has the forward lunge (great damage, though easily dodgeable) the AERIAL forward lunge (less expected and thus more deadly) and the backstab (instant kill and the ability to turn it around with the instant kill damage!, do i need to say more?)..

Red has to counter with the slow backspin (INSTANT kill), the DFA (INSTANT kill), normal swipe (pretty heavy damage) and probeply a couple of other moves :p



In short, every move can hold its own, as long as you practice... afcourse it gives an advantage when you have a training partner (my co-leader of DJM) to train with on special moves and simple fighting in a booked server for example...

Anyways, master the good techniques of your favo mode(s) and you'll be able to beat all modes..

(Besides, Red is way easy to beat, especially when force is on and you have speed... just speed your way around with light mode and keep tolling around him and slashing in on him till he dies (WAY EFFECTIVE)).

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Here is a perfect example of a 1.04 or even a future 1.05 patch newbie spawn.


I can't believe you said to make all the stances do the same damage??? Same everything? You know why there are 3 stances? to add variety, something that JK1 was lacking, and now you want to revert it back??? Kind of stupid if you ask me.


But anyways, back to the point, people like this got DFA nerfed, people like this will get backstab nerfed, and people like this will make the game into a hack and slash of random hits where every hit is the same damage so everyone has to fight the same style.


Please, don't bring this game down to that level.

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