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flying? is it possible?


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It requires the usage of scripts, compiled by IBIze.


The scripting language is "ICARUS" and it comes from Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force.


So far, the scripting tools have not been released for Jedi Knight II: Outcast, so you'll want to wait untill the second package of modification tools are released.


Or, you can go get the GDK for Elite Force and put together your own Jedi Knight II: Outcast package from those files.

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I don't know if they can, or can't. But I do know that the ships on the Nar Shadda "Streets" level had movement scripts.


Example (from /scripts/ns_streets/pod_car1.ibi):

affect ( "pod_car1", FLUSH )

task ( "fly" )
	play ( "PLAY_ROFF", "roff/ns_car_flight" );

task ( "start" )
	move ( $tag( "pc1", ORIGIN)$, $tag( "pc1", ANGLES)$, 0.000 );

loop ( -1.000 )
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	do ( "start" );
	wait ( "start" );
	do ( "fly" );
	wait ( "fly" );
	do ( "start" );
	wait ( "start" );
	wait ( 16000.000 );


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I'm doing a similar thing atm where a tie fighter flies overhead. I've just used a func_train, which was made of 2 brushes, one with the origin texture, one with a nodraw. Then, you create some "path_corner", and target the train at them and them at each other. The only issue I came across was getting the model to point in the right direction, so I had to make the train do a bit of a loop with the "turn_train" check on for each of the corners, which I placed outside my map. Also, setting the "wait" to "2" on these corners meant the train (er ship) doesn't rotate once its inside the map.

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very interesting information in there,... right now i cant even get the train to take off and i have made path_corners.. ok i made a origin texture and placed it around my model... but in the tutorial it says select both and right click goto func_train and it will connect them both and turn them blue... but... i get an cant creat entity error... so im kinda stuck


do i need to use a nodraw texture?


Lord Wrath

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thanx for all the help so far... but i am still having no luck... i have tried everything you guys have thrown at me


can someone do me a small favor... cause i think maybe this model wont func_train... make a func_train for the bespin sky car in the models folder and get it to move


this one




everytime i try to make a func_group or train.. i get this


Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world

Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world

Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world

No grouped entities selected.

Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world


i really need this model to go around my map before i release it.. and the map is ready!!!


Thanx guys


Lord Wrath

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sorry to keep posting about this but i almost have it ... i can feel it


so far i created a brush... gave it the origin texture... turned it into a func_train... gave it the model2 key and told it where to find the model... gave it start on... i already have path_corners set for the train... added my model right below the train (i dont know where or if it matters how close my model is to the train, or how close it is to the first path_corner) ... and it still just sits there


how close am i?


question: do i need to bind the model to the train with ctrl-k?


can you think of anything else i need to try?


im really stuck


thanx for listening


Lord Wrath:confused:

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sorry to keep posting about this but i almost have it ... i can feel it


so far i created a brush... gave it the origin texture... turned it into a func_train... gave it the model2 key and told it where to find the model... gave it start on... i already have path_corners set for the train... added my model right below the train (i dont know where or if it matters how close my model is to the train, or how close it is to the first path_corner) ... and it still just sits there


how close am i?


question: do i need to bind the model to the train with ctrl-k?


can you think of anything else i need to try?


im really stuck


thanx for listening

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ive been having big trouble with connecting to this site and sending my posts... the first one i didnt think went through... and neither did i think the second one did either


so does anyone have any advice ?

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You need to connect your func_train to the first path_corner.

Also I noticed that you typed "models" twice in your model path (above). It should be:




This is also model2 key for func_train. Check that.

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I plan to add this to my map too, so I hope that it works. My level is still in its early stages, but I think that the flying ships overhead are just what I need. Please don't give up, I'll need you to tutor me on how to get it to work!

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