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Comp trouble

Neo Honor

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P4 2.0 gig. Everything is plugged in right. All the fans run. But none of my drives (ie, hard drives, and cd-roms) will power up while connected (through the IDE ports) to the mother board. They will power up if not connected to the mobo, but are on the power supply. What's the deal? This means that I can't even get to boot because the HD isn't being read (because it won't power up while connected to mobo, or it will power up if not connected to mobo but is connected to power supply)?



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they are not plugged in right ;)


try switching the cable around, so the part that plugs to the motherboard *now* gets plugged into the master drive.


Ensure the stripe is aligned to pin0, rather than pin 40


figure it out with 1 drive.


check BIOS to ensure IDE0 and IDE1 are enabled


check BIOS for Hard drive set-up. I like "AUTO" :)

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That sounds good, but i think that it is connected properly. It is an UATA which means that it has a special cord with a blue, black and grey connector. The blue has to be in the primary header in the mobo (which it is) and the black has to be on the master HDD (which it is). The grey is used for slave drives and I don't have one so it remains unused. Also, even though the fans work nothing else really will. Even my analog mouse (with the transparent light up bottom) doesn't light up when i put the power on. Does an incorrecet HDD configuration affect all that?

BTW: thanks for the response man. :)

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Yep, sounds like you have it plugged in right.


Hmm. Try only one drive.


Also, lets assume it's not hard drive related at all...


I am assuming that you had the case open to do something. Perhaps you bumped the memory or one of the pci/agp cards.


Make sure everything is seated properly.


And if that doesn't work, try removing all but 1 stick of RAM

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