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Delayed Stance Change


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Has anyone else noticed that it you change your saber stance while in mid swing then you won't be able to attack using the next stance until you've completely stopped swinging and released the attack button? I've found that this happens even if you've allready completed an attack sequnece in the previous stance and try to begin attacking in the next one. This happens most often when cycling from the red to blue stance. If you swing while in the strong stance and then change to blue, you will contiunue attacking using the strong saber stance even if you are not executing a contiuous 2 or three hit combo. Even if you release the attack button you must wait untill you have completely stopped swinging before pressing attack again or else you will coninue to attack in the wrong stance. It can be hard to tell when a red swing is totaly finished at times. I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed what I'm talking about. I hope that this is corrected in the next patch, becasue it can be confusing at times.

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I know..this really sucks.


I like to switch stances in mid-fight too and this problem gets me killed every now and then. F.ex. when trying to do the blue lunge after a strong stance swing, you'll end up crouching and doing the sloooooooooooooow red swing while someone is sabering you into bits and pieces. Annoying.

I think it might go on forever if you just keep you attack pressed..?


Oh yeah, almost forgot: You fix this RAVEN you fix it now or I won't play JO ever again or any other game that has Raven on it you guys suck raven you are full of bs I'm gonna tell all my friends 4t school that u guys are ghey this game is for n00bZ i want my money back!!1! :cool:

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"I like to switch stances in mid-fight too and this problem gets me killed every now and then. F.ex. when trying to do the blue lunge after a strong stance swing, you'll end up crouching and doing the sloooooooooooooow red swing while someone is sabering you into bits and pieces. Annoying. " - Luc Solar


This is exactly what happens to me all of the time. I sure hope that Raven Takes a look into this and does something about it. Thanks a lot for posting, just to show that I'm not the only one who experiences this problem.

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