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Problems with ioncannon level


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When I have destroyed the ioncannons I should go back in the carbgo bay and there should be an door unlocked. I cand find a new door that's unlocked, but there is a door wich is locked. Is there another way to open that door or is it a bug.

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Originally posted by EwoutK

When I have destroyed the ioncannons I should go back in the carbgo bay and there should be an door unlocked. I cand find a new door that's unlocked, but there is a door wich is locked. Is there another way to open that door or is it a bug.

If you mean the bay with the AT-ST's parked inside then, yes. The newly unlocked door is on the top level that you enter the bay from, only it's on the opposite side. You'll know where it is because a small handful of Stormtroopers emerge from it.

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