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SP desann mod


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Can anyone make or tell me how to make a mod for SP where desann only has lvl 3 light saber skills? exepct throw


so basically i want normal desann AI and the only powers he has are lightsaber defence and lightsaber offence


this may sound weird but i have a mod where i look like luke and desann looks like vader i wanted to kinda reanact the light saber duels vader and luke had but desann allways uses the force to thrown me around like a pansy lol :)


well thanks for your time later :fett:

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Hmm...the NPC.cfg doesn't contain force power entries...they're probably hard coded into the EXE. What you could do is make a new entry in the cfg (just copy an existing one and change the name), and give it the same settings as, say, a boss Reborn, but make his health and rank higher.


Btw, if you want to get at the cfg, you'll need to search in Google for Game File Explorer, download it, and then use it to open the assets0.pk3 file in the gamedata/base directory.



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