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Sand Crawlers

Ready Wan

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On the tattooine planet there are a number of sandcrawler units that become yours if you pass close by them (like bantha).

what are they good for besides scouting? when I click on one, they give the options of building certain buildings, but when I try to do so, it wont follow thru.


do they have any function?





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I remember in the original game they used to have an attack of 7. Back then, you could use them for an early tech-1 rush. Guess GG and company felt that sandcrawlers were too devastating for a tech-1 civ to handle (:confused: ). Not too useful anymore, are they?

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Originally posted by Ready Wan

well, I cant get them to do anything but move around.


do they DO anything besides move around? :)


Well, they sure don't build anything (that must be a bug or glitch or something).


One thing I do with them is get them to drive near the neutral predators on the map. The predators will follow the crawler, attempting to attack it, but the crawler is too fast for the predator to reach (they move at the same speed). I try to get as many predators to chase my crawler as possible. Then I take my crawler to the enemy's farmers or carbon collectors (assuming I know where they are) and press delete. The crawler will be destroyed instantly and the predators that were chasing it will then attack the nearby workers of the enemy!!!:p

(a waste of precious tech-1 time but what the heck)

:crawler: :crawler:

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