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Darth Maul FINISHED!


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Originally posted by CheshireKat

Some New Screenies!!!




Thought you guys might like to see all the skins ingame.


I hope this guy is baked and getting hauled on tha delivery truck, otherwise it ain't fair! It's illegal to show pics like these!:ball: :ball: :ball:


PS the link is not broken, it works.

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dude! thats a hell of a model!

nice picture!!!

there's still something about the face though.... will you be adding a one with cape on his head? (didnt read the whole forum...)

anywayz, keep up the good work cat! lovly horns these are, yeees!



:amidala: give it to me anni - aha aha!


:amidala: give it to me anni - aha aha!


:vadar: and all the queens said i'm pretty fly -


:amidala: for a DARTH guy!

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Thx nano but could you upload the other screenshots cause I can't see any of them !thx in advance :D

hehe D_S_W funny pretty fly for a darth guy :D

[EDIT]btw Cheshire I can't believe you did such an awesome model !!!!!!!

lets make the saber hilt and a new stance for the double bladed saber and it's more perfect than it is now ! (hey your model s already perfect so... :p)

it could almost be a model for UT2003 cause it's so detailed and well-done !(hope you ll do one for UT2003 except if you don't like it :p)

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has anyone thought of one? i haven't really followed this thread lately...


however, I came to think about the line maul says at the end of the EP1 phantom menace game (yes, I know. it sucks). He said something like "I killed your master. Now it's your turn, jedi"... Perhaps not EXACTLY like that... whatever...


But anyway, I can't say that he says anything better in the movie...

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very very VERY stunning work Chesire :D

but one thing about the skins (i forgot who made them)

the red one needs a meaner look on his face....

he looks too much of a clown like that.. but if you added a mean expression on it then he looked like a psycho clown.. and that'd rock :D

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The "we'll finally have our revenge" taunt was used to death in SPORK for Jedi Knight and later the BFP skin pack for it, please for the love of all that's holy, don't use that taunt.


Does Maul need a taunt? He is menacing enough.

Not to mention, according to the Diary of Darth Maul, he doesn't like to speak during combat, only focus on the objective, kill.

He finds speaking a waste of energy.


Now we need a saber style for this model, for the staff.

We need the Form VI for the Dooku Model.

We need whatever the hell form Yoda uses for his Model, and then we could have some kick assedness going on.

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Lotsa things happening here since I posted those screenies eh.


Nano: No Prob, in fact thank you. I can only post two good Pics at a time so there are alot of dead links.


Everyone Else: THank You Very Much.


I was hoping to have him done by Friday, but Real Life has gotten in the way.


Either Way, I'll release him by the end of the weekend for sure. LODs or no LODs....


SOunds are taken care of.


"Fear is my Ally" is his official taunt, and hopefully we'll get some growls done for some extra oomph!!!



EDIT/ While Testing him I usually run around as the RED skin. I think its absolutely beautiful and Kman and Arco have done a helluva a great job.

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