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Darth Maul FINISHED!


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OK, I've replace Tavion, and I'm gonna do a couple Reborn Replacements too, for Arco and Kmans Skins.


BUT I HAVE A QUESTIONS??????????????????????


Whats the name of the Maps that you face off with Tavion???


Isn't there Two of them?


And not PIT.


The actaual SP parts. I need to Test the SP versions some more.

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Can I make a request (ha!-- sorry, I know everyone is asking for stuff)? Is there a chance you could make a SP Kyle replacement out of one of the other skins (the blue one probably looks the closest to "heroic")? I can see not wanting Maul in the hero's position, but maybe one of the others makes sense.


Awesome work. Congrats!



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Isn't it bespin_platform ?

I could be wrong


Hope the Models come out Saturday


Your gonna have to sway me pretty hard tho since spacermonkey's Aayla model and skin pack came out today and they are Magnificent! :D


Still can't wait for the Maul!! ;)

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Originally posted by Phaedrus

His robes in THPS3 might have been ok, but his saber looks terribleAnyone know where I can DL Absath and Bloodriot's Jango skin? I searched throught the jkii.net files and came up with nothing.

well first off you might want to look in the MODEL section, and not the skin section.:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by pud1

Still can't wait for the Maul!! ;)


i'll second that emotion. the other maul model that has been released is really good and all, i've just been following this thread for a while and i'm so giddy with anticipation.

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Originally posted by omses

*Cough, Cough*

You are a huge loser.

*Cough, Cough*


Poor Omses. Still bitter at me for mispelling Azul. Don't worry, you'll get over it at some point, because I know that it's soooooo hard to recover from something as traumatic as someone mispelling a spanish word.



This model will most certainly be worth the wait, I'm sure of that :D :D :D :D :D

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Now if only somebody would make a decent :dsaber: mod without clipping etc instead of leaving the poor Mr Maul with a :saberr: ?


Keep up the good work, it looks far superiour to the other model and skin that just came out.

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Well Here's some new Screenies.






The Tavion Replacement it NOT HAPPENING.


I Made a replacement for her and it's pretty fun, but it won't allow me to do other replacements with the other skins,no matter how much I rename stuff. so I made a Reborn Replacement instead.


Also, For some reason When I replace the Shadowtrooper, it works with nmp spawn command, but not when you run into him in SP like your supposed to. The model shows, but the skin is all messed up.


So Reborn it is.

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Ya, that would be great. I think that Raven should just make it an option for using a double bladed lightsaber if and when they make a new patch. Do any of those dual blade mods that I keep finding all over the place even work? I should go down to jk2.net and try that new one.

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