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Oh, them whiners..

Darth Anabolic

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I was in one of my greatest moods last night when I was playing JK2.

I found this "No Newbies Please"-duel server without force, Saber only.

There was 3 guys fighting in there (I wont mention any names).


And one of them was constantly backstabbing people and he thought he was very "l33t".

I came in and I used red stance of the most, and got highest score on the list.

This guy started whining on that I was using red stance all the time and that I was n00b because I killed him, and countered his backstabbing by retreating alot and then attacking with red.

Everytime I killed him and he went into spectator mode, he would change his nicknames to stuff like "Darth Anabolic Sucks His Sisters Boobies" and crap like that.

Soon the other guys would go nuts also, because their backstab/DFA tactics wouldnt work anymore on me, because I mostly use red stance to retreat and attack to that kinda players.


Oh my God those guys are LAME!


Well that was all I had to say..

Got any "lame"-stories too? That when you really kill some l33t guy who his contantly backstabbing and has like 8/0 in scores, he goes nuts ? (bad grammar there)



//Darth Anabolic :vadar:

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I'll mention one funny thing that I've noticed.. (forgive me for the generalization)


Clans. Oh......my........god.


Especially in Team games these guys R0x0rxZ! Watching their smooth, simultaneous moves is a delight to all us lesser-skilled people out there.


It's like..you're all alone in a long corridor when suddenly 5 clan dewds appear. I light up my saber, walk slowly towards (see LOTR / Aragorn vs. Saruman's orchs) a certain death staring into the eyes of these Elite Jedi's when suddenly....in a blink of an eye THEY ALL TURN AROUND AND CHARGE BUTT FIRST TOWARDS ME HACKING THE FLOOR WITH THEIR SABER LIKE MADMEN!!

I go: "Eeeek! BUTTRAPE!!!", and take one step to the side, letting the horde pass me by inches and continue their rampage down the corridor, finally banging their butt against the wall.


Amazing skill, amazing teamwork.. Go l337 Clan Dudes, go!! :D:rolleyes::D:rolleyes:

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HAHAHA yeah man.. those idiots get so pissed when their spam kill moves dont work on you.



i had some guy run back at me. i ran backwards too and threw my saber at him 4 times( yeah.. he got hit 3 times and kept comeing backwards) and he died.



he cursed at me and left the server ROFL.. now thats satisfaction.

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Are you guys being rude to these people? I play against spammers, and they seem to be polite enough. They keep trying their idiotic special moves against me, apparently not noticing that I consider those to be free hits, but aside from the occasional abberation, people are quite nice to me.

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Another definition to the Whiner library from experience would be the time when..


I went onto a clan server (not mentioning name), ffa_bespin. Everyone is queing up by the main platform (hexagonal one on one end of the map) above and by the door. Then 3 of them go down the the lower court area below and to the side of the platform.. start talking to eachother, then one of them takes out his saber.. and attacks me - killing me. I go back, and he does it again. I go back once more, he tries to do it again. Although as he lands with his red stance special, I force grip him and throw him off of the edge..


Then the one who was killed says to the admin, "kick him"


I ask why..


He comes with "unfairness."


Pathetic people..

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heh.. yep nokie , thats all the game is to them.. winning. and they laugh at you if you complain about them.. but as soon as you kill them they are ready to bitch and moan more then anyone.



they are a good laugh.. pathetic people. i love sinking down to their level and mocking them just to get em going too hehehehe.

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