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Duelin in the Fates


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I just downloaded livingdeadjedi's Duel of the Fates map, and WOW... what a great job he's done. Perfect atmosphere music and style (and I thought it couldn't get any better than JK1's Fates level!)


Only one problem that I seem to have with it, is that It does not seem to work very well in single player mode. the console lists many problems about shaders, and the majority of the textures do not show up in game.


I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem? and if anyone has any idea how to rectify it? (if there is no way, are there any plans of a single player level ahead?)


Just that it is a really great map, and it is spoilt by dueling half witted idiotic bots which run away from you on sight. I want to play some REAL bots, like the ones in single player.


Thanks, and once again, terrific map and forums.

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I think it would be better to sacrifice some of the eye candy and make it so that people can actually play in it with out having it lag. Cuz if the bots don't work and you can't play it online cuz of the lag, then what's the point of even having the map? Don't get me wrong, they are both good maps. I just would never use them cuz of this.

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IM friends with the creator of the map(LivingDeadJedi), I found him some new textures for that core room(the purple cylinders that is) and once he looks at them he'll tell me if he likes them. He also said, we can expect a new version of the map in under a month(more likely 1-2 weeks), so just hold on, its coming. But hes also working on a clan arena map(its about 95% done), and then he is going to start on the inside and outside of Jabba's Place, its gonna be awsome, there is some real promising work coming from him.

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you can get the duel of the fates map on jedikknightii.net just look in the files section. you can also just look to the right of the screen once it loads and you will see it in the most popular section

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