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We got most of our skins omfr jk2files and jkii.net. Try getting serveral versions of the skins to ensure that we have a common file.


Fatninja im glad you e joyed theserver. Although admins arent always able to be there, the 5 of us do try our best to get there as much as possible.


See you on the battlefield...




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As compared to other servers (Admins never on, the scoring leader is spamming backstab and running around backwards, no ethics at all, people just blindly kill anything and everything,) this server is a little more respectful.


The regulars (which I consider myself one, not the longest, but a regula ron the server) are usually pretty cool. Need to learn a move? Most regulars will help you out. Want a duel with force? You can probably get a good one on one with a regular.


Do we get some losers? YES. Do some of us use the back swings as finishers? Yes. Do we go around pushing and pulling trying to get it every time we confront someone? NO. Do we start off duels with a backswing attempt? NO.


When you compare our server to others, we are a little more refined. Yea, you get the backstab whores and such, but they usually leave (they get outskilled), or they get booted.


There are plenty of rule-less admin-less servers out there to backstab and such on....we strive for something better.



The Rock

(admin hopeful :p ) :charric::fett:

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I think prax addressed most of the things I was going to address, so i dont have much to say.


To stormcrow, the problem has been taken care of.


To THE ROCK, thank you for the compliments, that is very nice of you. Hope to see you in the game soon.


Thank you for the compliments on the server, they are much appreciated.




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I have a few things to say.


This server isn't for everyone. In many ways we'd like this server to be an unofficial duel server. except no waiting :).


To give anyone that is honestly trying to conform to our rules, here is what I look for in people that get kicked.



1st and foremost those attacking others with they're saber down. They are first on the list of people to be kicked. This is done not only to provide this more of a dueling environment, but also when people just want to show other people how to play or practice moves or whatever. Just lastnight I was working with some padawan's on they're grip throwing and wall walking.


2nd is constant backsweeping. Now excessive is a generalized term. But here's what I look for.


What's the players tendency to turn around backwards and try to catch me with a backstab/backsweep? The difference is usually if the player turns his backside to me then comes at me, as opposed to perhaps jumping over my head and then coming at me with a backsweep, or in someway making it less obvious that they are trying to hit me with a backstab. The former will more likely raise my suspicions. Or if a player is racking up the kills, how is he doing that, is it via pull/backstab, group backsweeping, or honest to god full on saber ass kicking. I really love the latter and are suspicious of the former 2. To truly understand this rule, you have to understand the kind of players we're trying to prevent.


But basically, if you heavily rely on backstab/backsweep to rack up the kills or in danger of being kicked and banned. Thats about as simple as I can put it. People seem to love to test this rule. Guys I've seen do NOTHING but backstab/backsweep like to stretch this rule. By usually making a few non-backstabs then of course always killing of they're opponenet with backstab. I have zero use for these cheap players. And if this is the way you play, please go somewhere else. There are hundreds of other servers that will let you backsweep to your hearts content. And when your finally ready to really play the game, then stop by my server sometime.


Also Caliban is no longer an admin for my server. It was agreed by all other admins he did not properly represent this server. (In other words he tended to violate the rules for which he was supposed to enforce, and having a bad attitude didn't help.)


This server is on the west coast. It's rare to see someone on the east coast get a ping less than 100 to my server. Generally the pings should be really good. My line isn't entirely dedicated to running this server though, so occasional lag will and does happen.



Stormcrow... you have nothing to worry about. I have no idea why you we're kicked or who kicked you, but everytime I ever played with ya, I have found you to be an ideal regular on my server. When someone is kicked the server will prevent them from immediately rejoining from what I've seen.


Aegis... Actually I run both the FFA and CTF versions. And I'm only running the ctf maps out of utter boredom with the existing FFA maps. I'm going to add new maps soon.

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There will be a server downtime between 12am and 6am thursday morning...


Just to fyi the late players sence im usually on the insomniac shift.


Also once agian any recommendatiosn for good ffa maps or skins that are popular, let us know.




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GG's last night all.


Not a bad server at all, even though I got berated by one for "throw whoring" (ah, he was pissed because I kept hitting him was all ;) ). Several things are quickly apparent. 1) I need more sabre practice. 2) I need to get my ISP to reroute me, and 3) if there's a void (or lava or hellfog or...), I'm in it.


See y'all again tonight. Me and my expensive cable HPB connect are looking for a little more abuse ;)

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Sounds like Knighthawk is going to have a website soon, with downloads of the skins and any special maps. (Though, I really dont like that new ffaepisode1 map, my FPS goes down to like 1-2 in that reactor room with the pink beams.)


Anyways, along with the website, maybe we could start keeping stats? Since its a FFA server, I think it would be cool to have a page that displays kills and such, and maybe even how many minutes you've been on the server (yea yea, you'd have to never change your name, but most of us never do).



Well, I just think stats would be cool. You'd be able to see who the tue regulars are, and who's really kicking ass and who's getting there ass kicked ;)



The Rock

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I like the idea of keeping the stats, and time, but that would probably require a lot of time to set, especially if he doesn't know how to do so (If only we had UT's method of doing it).


Anyway, I'm all for the episode1 map. I've played in on a server with 18 people, and experianced very little slowdown.

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Yea, Caliban is funny. He grips 5 people and throws them to thier death with his saber down, yet when I pull him into said pit of doom, he right away yells at me.


Anyways, thats my only time playing with him, but he does seem to have a bad attitude.



Also, there is a stats program out there that is apparently very easy to set up. But it needs to be on the server.


Rock-Fu Mindtrip

AKA The Rock

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We appreciate all the posts.


Lets not continue to attack Caliban any further, we appreciate the comments but lets move on. :(


The idea of stats is not a new idea to us but we appreciate the suggestions. I suggested that to hawk a few weeks back and , Hawk, Solar, Havok, Pheonix, and I are all working together to come up with a good format for everything..(with a little outside help from some generous people who are donating their time)


The server, the site, all of it.


We beta tested the two maps on the server last night for fun, They seemed to work well fi you had a decent sized crowd.


We are all striving to try and give you the ebst play possible, so hang tight while we try adn get everything organized. In the emantime feel free to contact us here or by email with commends complaints, or random questions.




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Notice you got the Duel of the Fates map up now. Good job. Still a bit laggy, but only when the big centre room is visible.


Anyway, the second the stat keeper thing is up, add me to the list. You should all know me by now.

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Well, I just got back from playing on the server... And Duel of the Fates... About 5 times in a row. What happened to the other maps in rotation? Your killing the server if you keep it on the one map! Please, add the others back in.

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ALLSTAR's ban is over and we played tonight. I now hold him in respect. He played valiantly even though he lost both legs and an arm :) Many great matches with him and look forward to many more.


Aslo, I don't know why, but about 5-7 people asked me if I was an admin in disguise, including Caliban, does anyone have any thoughts as to why they thought so?

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Oh my Brothers...Do not count me out so easily. It is time for me to testify! :holosid:


First of all:

Originally posted by Stormcrow

I'm more than willing to drop this whole ordeal, but i honestly do not know why i was kicked. I remember someone called a vote to kick you, but it was not me, and i was not cupporting it in any way. The remark i made before i was kicked ('hehehe or what') was referring to Star What?'s threat. If you think i said that when you said don't kick me, then you misunderstood.


That was my mistake then, Stormcrow, if the vote was not called by you that started this whole thing. I had the console down cause I was in the process of kicking someone who was attacking people with their down. When I brought it back up, all I saw was "Vote passed." and boom I'm gone. I assumed it was you, since we had just been sharing some polite words :) . But if it wasn't I do totally apologize, cause I was upset because there are better way to resolve these issues.



Originally posted by TheRock

Yea, Caliban is funny. He grips 5 people and throws them to thier death with his saber down, yet when I pull him into said pit of doom, he right away yells at me.


Sir, you are mistaken. I never, ever grip anyone with my saber down and toss them to their death that way. It is possible what I did by accident is did a split-second grip while my saber is down. If that's what happened, then here's why: #1, you happened to be standing infront of me. #2, I was bringing down my console to type something, and seeing as how I have grip binded to shift, it'll do a split second, no harm done grip if someone is directly infront of me. If that's what you're talking about, then yeah that is possible, and I apologize if you took it the wrong way. But I never, "And The Caliban means NeVeR" would grip someone with their or my own saber down and toss them to death, unless they're a person whos attacking me or someone else that has their saber down. I'll do it them cause obviously they're breaking the rule, and I'm trying to first save the person they're attacking, and second getting them out of the way so I can warn/kick/whatever in the console without them in the way (when I was still admin). So Rock, that's all that's possible for your statement. If it fits into that and you took it wrong, I'm sorry. If you think it's some other story, then you are wrong. Sorry :syoda:


Originally posted by ShockV1.89

I played the former admin, Caliban, today. he was operating under the alias of Wargasm.


Bad attitude is right.


Do I play with an attitude? Yes. Is it the most friendly? Not always. But that's just how I play. Always has been. Ask Hawk or Pheonix, since they've played with me for a long, long time in the game we all came over from, Star Trey Voyager: Elite Force. I played with an attitude there also. It's a play to win attitude, and it's also a play to have a good game attitude. I'm there to have fun, just like anyone else. I like being competitive. If you come on the server and say hi to me, don't take offense cause I don't respond right away. I'm probably in the middle of a duel (I know this was the case a few times with another admin, whether he knows it or not). Can I be cocky? Sure. But who isn't when they pull off a good move or have a good fight? But anyway, my core message of this is, I'm there to have fun, just like You. If you don't like my attitude, hey, you don't need to talk to me. I'd rather duel you anyway, and when I'm done, I'll say good fight if it was. It's that simple. :):dsaber:


And finally:

Originally posted by KnightHawk420

Also Caliban is no longer an admin for my server. It was agreed by all other admins he did not properly represent this server. (In other words he tended to violate the rules for which he was supposed to enforce, and having a bad attitude didn't help.)


As far as this goes, I'm fine with the decision...for the time being. I've talked it out with KnightHawk so far, and I'm happy to just be able to play on the server, since it is such a great server. I am hoping this can be resolved further with the other admins, though. I've already emailed Prax yesterday, to which I'm still waiting for a response. The rest of you, I'd very much appreciate it if you contacted me, so there can be an open communication channel (of which there should of been all along).

Email: acid8k@yahoo.com

AIM: PWSociety

ICQ: 40959437


Personally, I do feel that a lot of this is all misunderstandings and miscommunications, and that it can all be cleared up. Please contact me, so as hopefully all our issues can be resolved, and even more server progress can be made. That is what it's all about anyway, right?


Anyway, I've said my piece. Anyone else can contact me also if they feel the need. It's all cool. Or if you see me on the server as |CaLiBaN| or Wargasm (I change names a lot), feel free to talk to me, or better yet, Challenge me! :lsduel:



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Everyone a reminder, the server will be down from 12am to 6am Thursday Morning..


Caliban lets not drag this out on the boards, because thats a double edged sword. It makes everyone look bad.


And i dont even think we should be having this debate on the boards. This is a server issue and should be handled between all of us. Not on the boards. Please keep it off the board bro.





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