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Spamming backstab is pretty easy. I can do it better then most and the pull - backswing. I only do it to those that spam finishers though.


Another one I find amusing is some folks will saberthrow you if you attack, so I start mimicing them. Then we just stand there, noone attacks or moves. Duels of that nature can last upwards of 10 - 15 minutes. Most of it is just standing still, waiting for someone to make a move.


A patch that had an option to disable finishers would be neat. If they can do one for force powers I'm sure they could make one to do finishers. If Raven didn't want to do it, someone could always make a mod that could do it. Nothing I love more then a stright duel.

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I would like to request that an admin join the server under a disgused name, when no other admins are around, and when the player Evil-Yoji is in the server. I've noted of the past few days this player plays by your rules when admins are present with a few "accidents". However when an admin is not present he blantantly disreguards your rules.


I ask that you look into this character after playing ffa_ns_streets tonight. Pretty much everyone was trying to ride the aircraft that flies through the map. Well -9 points later and after everyone went to fight, he started backstabbing unarmed players. Sepul|Sith| and I confronted him as to his actions and his response was "I don't want a negative score". Then a few profanities later was told I should stfu and stop asking him to follow your rules, because I'm not an admin. PRAXEUM was not on ICQ when I disconnected.


This is not the first time this player has demonstrated this behavior.


Thank You.

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Well, the Raven Master is down and without it I can decipher Saber servers from guns servers. I'm trying to practice sab's right now so I don't feel like filtering through Gamespy and testing each server until I get a sabs only. It's not worth the effort. So I'll sit here and post on this board =P


[Edit] oooh oooh, maybe I should get a screenshot of my name streaming down the first five posts! [/Edit]

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First off consnake, i was kidding about the rattling thing :)


Second, i actually was on icq, unfortuneatly I was invisable for reasons I will not disclose. But Im sorry. I meant to put myself as available, as i try to be constantly for whatever anyone needs. Unfortuneatly ic ant be available all the time. Anyway, I absentmindedly stayed invisable.


I will watch him, I actually warned him when I was there. And he seemed to stop. But like alot of people, when no ones around they ****a round. And its a part of human nature. When theres no authority figures around some people tend to act up. Not many of us smoke pot around authority figures(boss's, cops, parents, teachers, etc,) but when they arent around, its ganja time! So its almost expected. But just because its expected doesnt mean its okay.


So someone will keep an eye on things. Though i think being undercover can be bit deceptive. I think its important to disclose ourselves so people know we are there and can inform us. But in any event, he will be watched. Thanks for the heads up.




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One more thing. It must be understood that no matter how much wed all like to be and how hard we try, we cant be there all the time and we cant catch everyone.


We are doing a completely new thing with this server and we are trying ouor best to make sure its implemented correctly. But its almost impossible to catch everyone and for one of us to be there all the time. But we will try our best to be:)


With this in mind, still feel free to report rulebreakers, but keep in mind we cant always catch them.




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Hey fellas,


Just wanted to pop my head in and wave a nice hello. I'm VE, from the aforementioned [LiCk] server, and Prax's superior in [LsR] =). Unfortunately, the LiCk server will be falling within one week, and my administration services will be up for grabs.


Prax, I've checked out the server, and while the rules are solid, it needs some admin help in the mornings, and you guys already know. I'm on a ton in the mornings, and would be happy to lend you my services.


E-mail me at vipereye@chronosthegame.com, or send me a PM or something. I'm here to help ya =).


Have a good one, guys and gals. VE out.

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It was unfortunate to hear about the end of the LICK JK2 server on the http://www.clanlick.com forum. It had a good run and was filled with alot of great people. I met alot of friends there and I had a great time there.


Unfortunatle I wasnt there as much as i used to be. I left to help Hawk with his server, and become one of his admins and help bring this server to life.


ViperEye was a great admin on Lick, and I have a feeling he will soon flex his admin muscles on Knighthawks Server.


We are looking for possibly two morning admins, one admin to fill the void of a recently removed admin, and another to be a key enforcer during the morning.


Ive worked hard to develop alot of new ideas for this server with Hawk and the other admins, and we are trying to do something very new and unique with this server, and we do need good admins to help keep the server on course.


Once again, LICK's jk2 server had a great run and anyone who played there will remeber it fondly. Its still up but wont be for long.


Because of the end of this server I have removed the [LsR] tag from my name. SO if you are looking for me in server, look for



Thats all for now,



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I know Knight and crew are working on a website, but I had some time on my hands and decided to make a message board for this server.


Its Ezboard, its slow, but it works ;) Im sure Knight wants his own board, and thats fine. But for the time being, here it is:



KnightHawks JK2 Server Message Board



Enjoy! There's 2 forums, General Discussion and Report Abusers. Should be sel explanitory.



The Rock

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I have played on your server for a few days now and have enjoyed myself while there. Today was the huge exception since I got kicked. I had been tossed into the pit on streets map a couple times in a row by people with their sabers down but using force push or choke. I wasn't aware that this was something that would get you kicked and when I tried to return the favor on the culprit someone else felt my force pull and instantly went into a whine fest about how 'something needs to be done about demise' and 'he is using force powers with saber down'- even though the resulting force power that inadvertently hit him didn't knock him off.


Before I even had a chance to respond or someone could explain the rules to me I was booted from the server.


I laud your efforts to set up a server where spammers aren't welcome and want to support it, unfortunately with this kind of crap going on it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.


I suggest either spectating people who others complain about or stating rules and giving warnings before booting people- what you seem to have now is a community were people are easily 'framed' or subject to charges that they aren't even able to respond to.


As a player I find it pretty frustrating.

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Don't know if its been suggested, but I wonder if you can link force powers to having your saber on?


Make it so that if your saber is off, force powers don't work.


Unfortunatley, making force powers not affect those with sabers down is just inviting exploits.


I don't know if its possible to make force power attach to having sabers on, but it would be AWESOME.



As for people getting pushed/pulled when they have thier saber down...I've seen a LOT of people standing like on..damn, don't know the map name..the one with the long bridge, the CTF map. They stand on the bridge and get upset when they get pushed off. Gee, if you don't want to get pushed by accident, GET OFF THE BRIDGE.



Remember, spectator mod makes you invincible too, so if you don't want to risk having someone accidentally kill you,

/team spectator




Also, I agree with admins watching people before kicking. The reporting player should initiate a kick vote, and if it passes, problem solved. If the vote doesn't pass, and people are complaining, then watch them.


Then again, a player can return from a kick. Its not a ban. So getting kicked just means you were observed breaking a rule.




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People who break the rules of this server and return several times after being kicked are banned from this server.


Also, Demise_SOK, i dont know when you were on, but could you please post your name to see if kicking you was a mistake. We admins arent perfect (although we try hehe) and perhaps you being kicked was a mistake.If it was, then on behalf of the admins, we are sorry. If it was, then on behalf of the admins, we are sorry.


Last but not least, [LsR]ViperEye, thank you for applying to be an admin. We could use a little help in the mornings and maybe you could be the right fit.




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I quite like that system Rock. Wish it was in place before I got banzored.



As for EZ board, becarful! It has loads of popups. Worse then this board. Some of those are even hover ad's. I'd suggest using Gamers.com as their board dosn't have the popups that EZ board does. Or you can get a server based board and buy some hosting space. Unfortunatly, as with most things, the possibilities are as bottomless as your wallet.

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Havok, thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it. Like I said, I'm here to help, so as soon as someone passes me the okay, and any and all information you need me to have, then I'll get to it whenever I can =)


Rock, the level you are talking about is ctf_bespin, otherwise known as Bespin Exhaust Shafts.


And demise, whether or not you remember, that player who asked "can someone please deal with Demise" was me. I did not mean for you to get kicked, and so I did not mention kicking. Someone else started the vote for your kick, and it was a vote-kick that got you booted, not an act of an admin. I was actually hoping that an admin would be around to spam the rules of the server, but I think that I was misinterpreted by the players.


As for what actually happened, demise, you were repeatedly, REPEATEDLY, using force push to throw me off the side of the catwalks in ffa_ns_streets. First you did it when I had my saber on, then I turned off my saber and you continued, four times in all, if I remember correctly, and through it all your own saber remained sheathed. I carried no grudge, but I did not have the server rules to spam and so was unable to dole them out to you. Instead a requested assistance, hoping someone else would have them.. to no avail. I apologize for what happened, but I would request that you be a little more careful next time with your use of force with your saber off. Especially on a map like Nar Shadda where a single push could be fatal.

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Yes, :) Welcome Viper.. We are working on the specifics on what will happen with the new admins :)


I think backstab/backswing is becomming a little to excessive on the server these days, And the admins are probably going to have to tighten their reigns on the server.


Just a little bit of info..




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Website looks like it will be up tomorrow, and with forums. :)


And ZERO popup adds of any sort.


It's capable of doing it's job right now, but I want to get the downloads area squared away first. That's what I'm rushing to do right now, so I can start putting new maps up. I'll post again with the link. Please be patient. just one more day, maybe even tonight I'f I'm diligent.

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Id like to formally announce that we have selected two new admins for the server.


ViperEye, formally of LsR.

and The Rock.


Both will be active in the mornings and try to do their best to help with anything you all need.


ViperEye was an admin on the LICK server. A great server, that alot of us have fond memories from.


They will mostlikely be active by tommorow morning.


On behalf of the server owner KNIGHTHAWK and the other admins, I welcome you!


Thank You,


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That is wonderful news Praxeum.


Welcome ViperEye and THE ROCK.


I'm proud to call you fellow admins. You will make great additions to the admin clan. I welcome the chance to see you in the game.


Also, thats great news Knighthawk. Can't wait for the site to come live.




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