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Well now your going to here it from me too =SSC=Kal-El, that was quite possibly the dumbest message you could have left on this thread. Don't you know this is for a server idiot. Why don't you think before you post next time. Or maybe thats too hard for you


Also, Cheshirefiend, i gave the pm's to Praxeum and he will take care of the situation.




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I don't know why i bother replying to tards like you anyway =SSC=Kal-El.


Oh and another thing. If you don't think i'm a pro, then just ask the other admins.

(By the way, I am one of the admins for this server, if you didnt figure it out already or if you to slow to figure it out too)



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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Don't worry Havok, the tard is only trying to raise his post count.


My post count is already big...I could go into a huge explanation about why I posted what I posted but these 2-3 lines I'm giving you are too much for you, because this is just wasting my time, and you are not worthy of it at all...

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Originally posted by UnnamedHavok101

I don't know why i bother replying to tards like you anyway =SSC=Kal-El.


Oh and another thing. If you don't think i'm a pro, then just ask the other admins.

(By the way, I am one of the admins for this server, if you didnt figure it out already or if you to slow to figure it out too)




Yes, seriously I couldn't care less who you were. The fact that you undersign each of your posts tells me enough about you. I don't actually know why am I wasting my time writing this to someone who can't think of a better insult than what he picked up somewhere else as in "tard".

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Originally posted by UnnamedHavok101

The only reason your post count is big is because you make stupid tard comments like the one that started this argument.

I suggest you stop posting tard and go back to you padded room, before you hurt yourself even further.


"Tard" again. And twice. Not only are you uninteresting and boring, you are stupid too.

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Look kido, if you didn't care, you wouldn't respond at all. So by doing so, you're provng you either:


A. Are liar.




B. Lack any and all will power.


A blind, mentally handicapped baboon can out smart you kido. So I do so insist, that you learn when to sit down and shut the **** up. All you're doing is making even a bigger ass out of yourself. Grow up, move out of your mother's basement and get a ****ing life.


By the way. The adding of 2 letters to a word do not raise a persons IQ 1 point. Rather, only a small percentage of a point. Then again, this whole thing is moot, seeing as Intelligence Quotient is a rather poor, and inaccurate deterimination of an individuals mental capacity.

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Lower and Lower post count.. thats because we have a life outside of jk2 and a message board ;). Hence the name troll. Your a puppet on our strings.... your just showing how sad your life is by trying to argue with us on a topic that doesn't concern you :o) Next troll post please....

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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Look kido, if you didn't care, you wouldn't respond at all. So by doing so, you're provng you either:


A. Are liar.




B. Lack any and all will power.


A blind, mentally handicapped baboon can out smart you kido. So I do so insist, that you learn when to sit down and shut the **** up. All you're doing is making even a bigger ass out of yourself. Grow up, move out of your mother's basement and get a ****ing life.


By the way. The adding of 2 letters to a word do not raise a persons IQ 1 point. Rather, only a small percentage of a point. Then again, this whole thing is moot, seeing as Intelligence Quotient is a rather poor, and inaccurate deterimination of an individuals mental capacity.



Oh no, you actually took time to write that. And I'm the baboon. Oh yeah, really a nice way on making fun of mentally handicapped people, or those who are blind. That is really the way to go about it. You and your closest must be really proud.


Also thank you for the mathematical equasion of how my metaphore of explaining that the guy is a dope spawns a productive comment. You really must live in your mom's basement when you went to the lenght of explaining that.


A. Nice to know you can persume those things


B. You really have no idea what you just said, you probably just desperately wanted to add another option.

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