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Originally posted by SolarFire

Lower and Lower post count.. thats because we have a life outside of jk2 and a message board ;). Hence the name troll. Your a puppet on our strings.... your just showing how sad your life is by trying to argue with us on a topic that doesn't concern you :o) Next troll post please....


You're the one posting to my messages kiddo :D


"With each passing moment, you are more and more my servant"


-edit- Btw, you might wanna go back to that thing you call "life". There you can at least feel smart. -edit-

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Originally posted by SolarFire

like I said, puppet or troll on my strings.. Should of known by your clan tag what type of person you are ;).



-edit bleh typing blows where is my via voice :)


Uh huh, gotcha right. You just failed the 3rd grade. Congratulations.


And we all know why you can't type. That much is obvious.

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Acctually I dislike to type because I have to type detailed reports and e-mail them my boss each day of who I had to help. I do internal tech support for the santa monica's division of symantec, and my hands hurt me. But then again for someone living with mommy and daddy wouldn't understand what it's like to acctually have a real job... unless you consider taking out the trash a job. *laugh* In the end tho, you will get to say. OMG i'm l33t with my post count on the jk2 boards.

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All of you stop..


Jesus christ! This is a message board for a server, this is not a place where you argue like 3 yearolds. Havok, Solar, You guys are my friends and fellow admins, why are you letting him provoke you?


Have some willpower, jesus. This is a message baord to report incidents on the server, and to talk about server issues. Not to call eachother "tards" or talk about who has more posts, and whos iq is ****ing higher..


Ive never been so emberassed to be a part of this thread as I am right now...





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Originally posted by SolarFire

Acctually I dislike to type because I have to type detailed reports and e-mail them my boss each day of who I had to help. I do internal tech support for the santa monica's division of symantec, and my hands hurt me. But then again for someone living with mommy and daddy wouldn't understand what it's like to acctually have a real job... unless you consider taking out the trash a job. *laugh* In the end tho, you will get to say. OMG i'm l33t with my post count on the jk2 boards.


I don't take out the trash. I don't have to. All I do is study so I can get my law degree. And it's going rather well so far. However it is nice to know how you are able to stereotype people who are still in their school years. This isn't very far from racism. At least now I know who I am talking to heh.


And about the ISP, yeah of course it is in Sweden. You must have checked something wrong.

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Originally posted by PRAXEUM



All of you stop..


Jesus christ! This is a message board for a server, this is not a place where you argue like 3 yearolds. Havok, Solar, You guys are my friends and admins, why are you letting him provoke you?


Have some willpower, jesus. This is a message baord to report incidents on the server, and to talk about server issues. Not to call eachother "tards" or talk about who has more posts, and whos iq is ****ing higher..


Ive never been so emberassed to be a part of this thread as I am right now...






Sorry man, but I didn't start the flaming.

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Yes but you can be the bigger man and end it!


Please dont reply anymore on this thread about this issue, as a favor to me, and as sign of respect and maturity, please for the love of god.. Stop.



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Originally posted by PRAXEUM



Yes but you can be the bigger man and end it!


Please dont reply anymore on this thread about this issue, as a favor to me, and as sign of respect and maturity, please for the love of god.. Stop.




Ok, don't worry, I'll stop it, I just felt the urge the toy with the infantile Symantec employer ala 5-bucks-an-hour-cuz-me-didn't-study, and the other kids on the block who obviously have no idea what they are talking about.


Also I WILL be talking to you later via PM why I want this thread to end. I am not talking about the content, but the thread itself.

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Oh no, you actually took time to write that. And I'm the baboon. Oh yeah, really a nice way on making fun of mentally handicapped people, or those who are blind. That is really the way to go about it. You and your closest must be really proud.
OOH, I took 30 seconds to write something OH NO OH MY GOD!!!!!!


And for the record, I wasn't making fun of the handicapped, I merely stated the obvious, they have more intelligence than you. That is in reality praising them. Please learn to differentiate.


Also thank you for the mathematical equasion of how my metaphore of explaining that the guy is a dope spawns a productive comment. You really must live in your mom's basement when you went to the lenght of explaining that.


A. Nice to know you can persume those things


B. You really have no idea what you just said, you probably just desperately wanted to add another option.

Ah, I love it when idiots make themselves look even dumber. Mathematical equation? Huh? Where? I merely showed you you're failure to conjure a correct insult. Then I took your only defence, proved you wrong, then gave possible reasons as to why you would use a false defense. Option A states that when you said you didn't care, you were lying, thus why you continue to post. Option B states you have no will power, thus you can't control yourself not to post. For god sakes, your body needs a brain to live, so I KNOW you have one, when trying to come back at me, atleast use it. Then I took what we know about your behavior, you intelligence, or lacktherof, and put together the most likely scenario of your present situation in life, and judging from your response, I obviously hit very close to the truth.


Between the others and I, you've been put in your place. I'm done here.


Good Day Kid


And I Apologize to Solar, Havok, and Prax.

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Listen =SSC=Kal-El, this got really out of hand, and its mostly my fault. I'm sorry about what I said. Please accept my apology. Can you please pm me and tell me also why you want to close this thread.


Also, Snake this was pretty embarrassing. We shouldn't have made fun of him.



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Hi, I just saw this thread and it sounds like a great server! I have a Mac so I don't have the ability to play Jedi Knight just yet. I will in a month or so. I have a lot of oppritunities to be there in the mornings sometimes. Or at least early afternoon.


Although I probably wont be amazing, I promise you I am respectful and responsible. I'll keep watching this thread, if by the time I get the game you can still use a admin, perhaps we could talk.


Thanks for what you guys are doing for the community.

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Sorry about the last 30 something posts.. A little dispute that has been settled.


Thank you for the kind words, We try our best to provide a fun environment.


Hope to see you on the server soon.




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Heh. And people thought I was a nuisance. :eets:


Anyway, to move on to something else, because I haven't seen it mentioned yet (and because I still like to be helpful): The website for the server is up! http://jk2.lowgrav.org


It's still just getting everything set, but it looks very promising. It'll have all the downloads that the server has, a FAQ that'll explain all the rules and such, it's own forums, and a lot more!


Check it out. It's worth the visit, and many more in the future.


-The much-behaved Caliban



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This server defenitly needs more active admins especially in the morning,i went on yesterday morning till later that afternoon,and i was not impressed.At the moment,this server has more noobs and spammers than alot of the public servers ive been on,they will spam for awhile untill warned,behave untill they dont think the admin is watching,then repeat.Ive seen ass fighting,backstab spamming,and pull/sweep WhOreS,and rampade attacks on unarmed persons,every time i played there,only about 30% of the time they were punished because the others or either too sneaky,or walking right on the line,just enough to not warrent a boot.One time i decided to take matters into my own hands because the admins wrent doing their job,and i was kicked,seems like the players have a better idea of whats going on than the actual admins.i have talked to praxeum about becoming an admin,because i would realy like to make a difference and help create a better place to play,But he has not gotten back to me yet.

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Thanks Caliban for mentioning the address, but i dont think Hawk was ready for it to be posted yet, hes not exactly done..




I received your email and I didnt reply because I lot of people emailed me :) And basically i just gave a summary to Hawk about them and he picked two.


Rock was brought in because he has been playing on the sever very a very very long time, and has been very active on the boards and in the server, and basically helping to promote and represent the server in a good manner.


ViperEye was brought in because he had admin experience on another server. The LICK clan server. A great server that alot of have had alot of fun on.


Both of them can work mornings but like you even said in your email to me there were some mornings you cant work. Someone cant be there all the time, but now that we have 7 admins the chances are greater that hopefully most of the time someone can be there. Also the morning you played the two new admins werent active yet.


And I dont mean to be rude or to accuse you of anything. But one minute your emailing me and very happy and proactive, and now all of a sudden your very angry, this post wouldnt have anything to do with you not getting selected would it? We are still aware of your hours and your eagerness and we still may add people or swap things around, so its not like you've been rejected.


Also, Im not exactly Mr. Free Time either. I work, and go to College, I cant sit on my ass all day and play Jedi Outcast :). So dont take it as an offense that you didnt get replied to, Or if ana dmin isnt always there. Im a pretty busy guy and I try my best to contact everyone eventually.


Also, this statement

"One time i decided to take matters into my own hands because the admins wrent doing their job,and i was kicked,seems like the players have a better idea of whats going on than the actual admins.i have talked to praxeum about becoming an admin,because i would realy like to make a difference and help create a better place to play,"


Taking matters into your own hands, would this be "attacking random people with their saber down"? Thats not making it a better place, thats actually making a bad situation on the server worse.


Admins cant be there all the time. And I have said it before.

Degrading admins isnt the greatest way to gain respect or make the server better. We have 7 and we are trying our besy to be there. But there are 24 hours a day and its hard for someone to bt there all the time.


1. Thank you for the report

2. I appreicate your concern, but taking matters into your own hands and the words you said about the admins tends to NEGATE the point of wanting to make a difference and creating a better place to play.(instead of degrading admins and taking matters into your own hands, Why not just email me or hawk or any admin and report who was spamming so we can take care of it? Is it so hard to just write apolite short note explaining the problem?) Thats why we are all adminning here, to create a better place.

3. We will try to get a more flatout schedule of when people are on at some point.


Thank You




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Magis, I've seen you in the server when I was undercover. Taking things into your own hands.. does that mean attacking random people with their saber down? 2 wrongs DO NOT make a right, sorry but admins are people too. We have a life outside of jk2, I have a fiancee and i'm sure the other admins have a job they go to each day. Were sorry we couldn't make the server better for you at that exact time you were on.

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