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When someone is chasing you around the level assfighting, take screenshots. I say, take 3 legit screenshots of a person doing a backstab/backslash,assfighting and they get booted. Just bind a screenshot key. if they abuse that attack as much as people complain they do, then you shouldn't have ANY problems doing this. Sorry dude, expect lots of Jpegs in yer upcoming emails if people take my advice

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No problem, but those people should first see if there is an admin online to deal with it. Otherwise go ahead and send me screen pics. You can go to





for more info and help with my server.


I'd really rather an online admin do it though. We really like to kick people. We consider it our force annihilation power. hehe...

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Originally posted by Stormcrow

knighthawk, got any idea why my ping is high on your server? I desperatley want to get back on it, but for some reason my cable modem ping is too high.



EDIT - put low instead of high :D


Last night I had a real high & jumpy ping while I was on the server also, but everyone else seemed fine. It could of been a router somewhere along the way being stupid.


What I would suggest trying if it happens against is on the connecting screen, if it says Server for low-pings only, pull down the console and just type /reconnect

Sometimes when you go to join the server, something gets slow on your system, which stalls the connection, and you get that message. Hitting it right away with a reconnect usually lets you go in. Also, be sure that it does not first say "Server full", because at least with me, on the first hit it'll say that, then when it hits it again I'll get the ping message.




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Just to add and agree with Caliban.


That happened to be occasionally for awhile. I would connect and sometimes it would sya my ping was high yet i was alway around the 50-70 cap range.


Somtimes it is a router or theres a hickup somewhere along the way and the connection isnt at good as it should be.


Hope you figure it out.




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Thats it, I'm frickin fed up with this one fella who wont go away.


He goes under a variety of names, all of which he changes from after we manage to kick him. Most of the, however, center around some form of invisibility. Yesterday, it was InvisibleDeath, and he changed it to Nowuseemenowudont after we kicked him.


He's back tonight, as UnseenMurderer, and, after a kick, "Die Faggot!" was his name.


Constant backstab spamming, as well as use of the mindtrick. He'll go invisible with mindtrick, then sneak up behind someone who has their sabre down, and backstab them. Goes invisible again, and runs away. Rinse, repeat.


He was really, really pissing me off, as well as others. It got to the point where I simply quit the server. I'd be playing now if he wasnt there.


Please, ban the ******* already. Seriously.



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Would it be possible to get all the coming models on it. And when a model is the same as a skin will you get rid of the skin.


Please put Lady Brena and Aura Sing on there too ;)


And if darth maul (cheshirekat's) is finished will it replace that skin

same with clone trooper, mace windu, obi-wan, padme, ... models.


Great server btw :D

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