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I Need Help!!!! Comp Crash


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OK, I downloaded the latest NVidia Geforce2 driver so i could open GL. The game was working fine, there were occasional crashes to the desktop and the brightness looked like it had been boosted, but it crashed in MP and now when i turn on my comp i get a blue screen and it says all this stuff about getting a new video adapter and disabling BIOS properties like shading or caching. I dont know what this means. At the bottom it says ***STOP: 0x0000007E(something something something). I had been goin in on safemode trying to fix the problem, but now it wont even boot in safe mode. I am runnin on a Pentium 4 with Windows XP. What do i do???

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First of all, OpenGL (one word) is a graphics standard, not something you need to unlock as in a console game. All current versions of Windows include OpenGL drivers. Most video card manufacturers include their own version of the OpenGL driver to take advantages of their particular hardware. Quake 3 engine games (like JK2) only use OpenGL and not DirectX or Metal, or GLide, or any of those other 'standards' for their 3d graphics to keep them cross-platform compatible. In other words, JK2 can rather easily be ported to other systems (like Linux, MacOS, and even the Xbox) because you don't have to rewrite reams of graphics code specific to your OS. It's already done because of the OpenGL standard. If you haven't noticed, DirectX doesn't run on a Mac.


Second, your problem has nothing to do with the game, other than your new drivers may have killed your system. Go to Guru3d.com and download the detonator destroyer program (the URL will take you directly there). Boot your computer in safe mode (if it will) and run that program. It deletes all the nVidia drivers on your HD. You should be able to boot up normally using the MS default drivers. You might want to experiment with different driver versions to see if maybe a lower one will work with your system. You can find all of the nVidia drivers at Guru 3D.


However, since the game worked with the driver level you used in the first place, I suspect that you either:

1. Have a nasty virus

2. Have installed something else that the system doesn't like, or

3. Have trashed your system files, purposefully or not, to the point of no return.


Other then that, all I can suggest is that you get away from XP and reinstall your system using Win2k (or even Linux ;)).

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