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This cheap crap is just making me disgusted


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You work hard on making a server available.


You don't get anything for it. You don't get cash, you don't get thanks (usually), you don't get much other than a nice place to play where you can get rid of the jerks yourself.


In the meantime said jerks think they can do whatever they like, break rules, make racist comments, use cheap tactics to artificially raise their score which in the long run means nothing to them and only ruins gameplay for others.


Then you try to play and work five minutes on killing someone only to have them pull a stupid-ass stunt like pull/backslash to one hit people.


I'm just totally disgusted with the state of the MP game right now and I have to ask myself why I'm bothering with the aggravation? I don't get to play since most of the time I'm kicking a-holes or answering newbie questions. Then when I do get to play, its ruined because of fundamental flaws in the game like overpowered moves that ruin the fun.


Before you jump my case, yes I already know how to avoid these moves and I do a fair enough job at it. Its just the constant stream of idiots that wears you down. I'm sick to death of it and right now I have to ask myself why I'm bothering.


As of right now I have no answer.

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i wont give up the game, and you shouldnt either. atleast take a break for some month until the lamers go away, hopefully...

but remember why we wanted to play jk2. its the only game where one can be a jedi and fight around with lightsabers!

and like in jk1 after a while more and more leet dewds are gonna stay while the lamrz will fall!

why are you bothering? i cant tell you that, i dont bother with force lamers. my server has no forces but jump. ok kicks are still possible but not frequent enough to be a flaw. i agree with you that raven ****ed up saber fights with the patch. the intention was to end those hit and run taktiks from the frst release, since you could do damage with a simple touch during the strike. and to much damage was done, but what did they do now? only those specials or the backstabs are efficient to be used by the majority. i use them too! if i try to fight with normal saber strikes i die because im not a marathon fighter! besides the timelimit for a duel round is sett to 10 on my server. thats not enough time for those cautious bastards. i hope they dont turn the game upside down again with the next patch! just optimize and remove the flaws!

1. make saber strikes more efficient

2. remove kicks or make them more difficult to pull off


it was unthinkable to pull of a yellow backspin before the patch cuz it was harder to do and the risk was to high that the opponent could kill you while you turned your back to him! think about it...

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I'm getting ready to open my server to the public after a few days of testing with friends behind a password. We decided we that we needed a change after 2 years of operating an HL/TFC server. It appears from what Aerys reports that there are llamas in all the various MPs, including JK2. Disheartening.


I'm still going to open our server to the public. Here's my setup and your comments are welcome. Sort of look at it as, "If I had to start over again, I'd. . ."


I'm running a gametype 'duel' server. Limiting the players to lightsabers only and the use of Force is limited to Jump, Saber Attack, Saber Defend, and Saber Throw:


set g_DuelWeaponDisable 65531

set g_ForcePowerDisable 32765


I'm rotating through the duel maps and have the duelfraglimit set at 10 and frags set at 2 so 2 kills = 1 win. After 10 wins, the map rotates.


I've tried to simplify the rules from those we had put into place in HL/TFC. I'm striving to have the players show respect to their opponents and love of competition. So:


No disrepectful/hateful language or names.

Do not interfere with the administration of this server.


I'd also like to include "No Cheating." But I'm curious as to what y'all would consider as being cheating. Also anything else I've missed in terms of setup or rules?


Thanks for your input!


Dilvish the Damned

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Hang in there bro. Being an admin can be a thankless job, but just keep remembering why you put it up in the first place. And just spend less time giving out warnings, and more time just flat out kicking. Employ other admins to help you in your venture. I have found the admins I've used are more likely and have more fun kicking people than I do. It really does help. Call it a silent protest by us admins to hopefully have a new patch with some more good changes to the play, and hopefully we won't have to bother to enforce rules. If we kick and ban enough spammers players as a admin community it will clearly show our intent.



Damn what a speech. lol.

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hey yo dilvish,

thats exactly the same config i have except the throw option. i think whenever ther is a force based killer feature set some people tend to use only this on most occasions and retreat all the time to let the force regenerate. thats the lame kind of gameplay i had, before my own server. ok kicks are THE weapon if there are no other badass forces around but it doesn't require the force, just the skill sett to at least 2. i'd rather disable kicking but i dont think thats possible...

heh if i think back to the old cs days where the admin had enough work on dealing with cheaters or extreme campers to kick...today in jk2 it already takes a nasty saying like, haha me rulz0r but u sukk0r! to be kicked. if someone means it and he doesnt obey to the rules, i kick imediatley. the reasons for kikcing semm to be much lower now, but its a total different game! and i want respekt an leet fights! no ****ting around about whos best or what a lucker the on guy is and so on....

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wha? remove kicks? Yes, backstabbing/swinging is too powerfull, but they nerfed forward kick in this patch (double tap is untinkable for the lagers...) In my eyes, what needs to be patched is:

1) Heal / Drain - they needed to be weakened, not nerfed. Heal was a fix in reply to a neverending duel problem, very, very nerfed... needs a rebalance.

2)Saber combat - reduce the block rate


and thats it, i like the ammo usage, new nature of force powers outside heal/drain. And the lightsaber was soooo perfect before (save red dfa.)

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Your server is the first one I always connect to, Aerys. (I've gone by Elegy, Darksider Requiem, and now Heavens Mutant Child...I get bored of my names alot lol). You have a good server, one of the best I've played thus far. I'd hate to see you get frustrated and take it down. Most of the regulars that I see pop up there are good players who are curteous and do their best to keep things in the game reasonable and fun, though like any server I guess there are days when a gang of fags pop in. KnightHawk had a good idea though with employing some admins to help keep things in check. Two members that come to mind the most if you decide to pursue this idea are Ms Hitler and What the Duece, I see them in there alot and they're good. It's all up to you, but perhaps that would ease some things inside the server if a handful of regular visitors (who are good players, of course) have the ability to kick people. Might not be as much pressure on you, and it'll certainly give the server a reputation of not putting up with BS after awhile and it might give the regular spammers more pause before they decide to join.

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I run 2 dedicated server and know all about your woes. I usually only ban for 1 reason. When someone starts with the abusive language. I agree, too much work goes into this to put up with that crap. If someone did that in my house they would get das boot. The servers are a sort of cyber room in my home.


One thing i have noticed. A regular crowd starts to form on my servers and if they all understand what is acceptable and what is not you will end up with a larger group of kewl folks. Then when someone steps out of line they find themselves greatly outnumbered.


As far as the newbie questions... i usually create an alter ego. A name that only close friends know. Then I set some time aside to just play. Otherwise it feels like a job and not a game.


Hang in there... as a fellow server admin I appreciate different servers to visit.



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Originally posted by Drepanon

I run 2 dedicated server and know all about your woes. I usually only ban for 1 reason. When someone starts with the abusive language. I agree, too much work goes into this to put up with that crap. If someone did that in my house they would get das boot. The servers are a sort of cyber room in my home.


We opened to the public yesterday AM and it took a few hours but I did the first ban. And it was so predictable. The player who spams something like:




and is warned. Then it's spam:




Warned and kicked. He comes back for a repeat performance and is now banned. I was suprised I even took the time to warn him; I've seen so many many jerks like this who invariably will ignore any warnings and will continue with their infantile behaviour.


I think this stems from them having no discipline in their "real" lives. Or because their ancestors weren't shoved out of the tree by our ancestors who then hooted as the lions ate them.

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Most boorish online behaviour is a result of a basic insecurity in their real lives, in my opinion.


Throw into the mix the fact that most players are under 16 and you have a huge immaturity factor.


Now spice all that with the fact that these kids don't realize they're dealing with real people with real feelings on the other side of the computer screen and you have the recipe for a real jerk.

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Aerys, I feel your pain. I go through the EXACT same thing in my server. I don't have any solution either except that I keep telling myself this: "I need only keep MY side of the street clean." I REFUSE to let anyone tear down the game for me. And I have to admit, after running servers in other games like Tribes, Tribes 2, MOHAA, etc, I've kicked more people in JK2 than all the others put together. There seems to be an endless stream of abusers, harrassers, racists, and little kiddies whose parents should LOCK their computer!


I think we just need to go in and try to have as much fun as we can without the aggro. Don't let them get you down, mate :)

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"I've kicked more people in JK2 than all the others put together."


jk2 is a special case, and i dont think the number of the lamers ha increased. i remember how much **** u could do in cs until u were ready to be kicked, the admins had enough to do with extreme campers and cheaters. and there was not enough time to lame around, like one has in a jk2 duel. the boarder of tolerance against stupid behaviour is much lower in jk2, becaus its something holy for many people. something unique and...leet. i kick people if they get on my nerves even if they were just chatting as spectators, i want a clean server with coolpeople on it. but jk2 is, as a game, cleaner than cs or others, so its a harder job to keep the standarts. ok im not forcing anybody to bow befor a fight, i wont do it myself. but as soon as i see stupid and provocative behaviour i warn or kick them. but i think i can be pleased with the community so far, but with the game im not.

after we succefully banned forces, we established an unwritten and non strict rule of non kicking. but as soon someone kicks isntead of fighting or just use it spontanously to gain advantages, me or my admin mates punish the kicker with kick only style, so everybody learns what loss of fun kicking beings. but there as still things that we cannot change but hopefully will be changed in the next patch...

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I use to host a HL/TFC server which is still up but not used much and am now running a JK2 dedicated server called Kill or be Killed and this back stab and turn and sweep kill moves are driving me nuts. I do have to say that most people that join the server are great people and there to have fun. But there is always those guys that sit ther and do these saber moves and take the fun away. The other night when i was playing there was a guy really abusing the move and with no warning i kicked him. Everyone has good ideas about how to reduse the use of these moves but im not going to limit the forces and take the fun away from people that do not abuse it. I have enough buddies on the server all the time to know who is ruining the fun for others and they will be kicked. I am still new to the console rcon commands for JK2 so im not sure of this but in HL you could do a ban for a period of time and that is what I use to do to people on that server a 30 min ban and they would always come back and ask why and i would explain server rules and they would play accoring to them then. Well that is my 2 cents worth.

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ok first of all, _some_ of you guys just want to take out everything in the game!!! the game would be boring without all this stuff. so what if some ppl abuse some of it, just counter-act it or kick them if it's really annoying u. what's the problem? it only takes a few secs to kick and ban someone, and if ur not playing leave it up to the players to vote kick.

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well normaly a game should be ballanced right. but its not. one one hand we have a thought through system of the force usement. there is always an act and counteract. but the saber fight system makes no sense? what counter taktic would make fun to use against a pro backstabber?? its to easy to pull of and kills rightaway most of the time. backstabs should be used as humiliation on those who miss with their special moves and remain still for a second due to the animation. but the main time it should be to risky to turn your back to your opponent! if the backstabb would do just a serious amount of damage (80 max) and normal strikes more damage (30% more) then it would be stupid to turn your back when a guy spams yellow strikes....

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We don't want to take out everything in game.


We as server admins want to run high quality games with high standards.


We want a balanced game so we can spend time playing and enforcing the EASY rules, not having to make judgement calls about who's a spammer and who's not AND end up having to explain over and over to people why they were kicked.


Here's what I do now.


First of all, I took my server down for 24+ hours the other day out of disgust. I didn't know if I was going to put it back up, but I did.


I then posted on this board that Raven had one week to patch Backstab or my server was gone.


Now I play the game and when I see rules breakers or spammers, I just kick them. If they come back, I kick them again. If they continue to come back I just ban them. I'm not going to hold people's hands anymore. If they can't read the posted rules or pay attention to the warnings in game I'm not going to spend my play time explaining the world to them anymore.


My stress level has gone down since I started doing this. Hopefully it will continue to go down until Raven either releases a patch or I take the server down this week.


We shall see.

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