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i just saw spider man

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its kinda ok, with all those effects n stuff, but there r some stuff that really bothers me:


(do not highligh if u havent seen the movie:)



- Is peter gay? i mean he turned out on an awsomely hot girl with the excuse that he had responsabilities. bull**** if u ask me, y cant he ****, i mean, stay with her?


-who the hell designed the evil man's clothes? it must b the stupidest thing i have ever seen. Really, wtf is the helmet?!

and wot about the time he pretends to b an ordinary citizen, so he covers himself with a cloth. u can see that stupid horn in his helmet! WOULD U LOOK AT A WEIRD GUY COVERED WITH A CLOTH AND WITH A HORN COMMING OUT OF IT AND SAY "NOW THATS AN ORDINARY CITIZEN"? WOULD U?


-"plz save my baby".

if u havent agreed with me in anything i wrote up there, there is no way u cant agree in this one: "plz save my baby" is the lamest sentence there is in all languages, but even though, it was used 3 times in Spider Man. AND ONE OF THEM WAS BECAUSE THE BOY WAS GONNA BE CRUSHED... BY AN INFLATED BALLON-ANIMAL!!!!!!!




-there were many others, but i forgot. if u have any or disagree with some posted in here, reply!

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He didn't want to go out with M.J. because bad guys could use her to get to him. Like hurt her and stuff. Didn't you hear him say that "no matter what the one's I love with always get hurt" or something.

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granted, it did have some plot holes, but it was still a good movie


1. Peter turned down the girl because he needed to be "responsible" and he knew that she would just get hurt or something if a bad guy found out that they liked eachother


2.The helmet has to be scary, or he wouldn't be a very good super-villain. And as for the cloth over the helmet thingy, i'm sure that its kinda hard to make out figures in the middle of a big blazing fire, right?


3. "please save my baby" is the only non-crappy sounding phrase for that situation. They could have said "Someone, please rescue my child" or "Help Help, I need someone to help my baby" etc... but those are stupid. And the kid wan't about to be crushed by a balloon animal, the balloon animal knocked over a big wooden sign doohickey that was over the stage, and it started to fall over

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but i do thing its a great movie, its just that some stuff stank




1- first of all, bad guys would have to first figure out his real identity, THEN get his friends and family. bsides, to protect her, he would have to just not come close to her, as he would have to do to every1 else



a) its supposed to b scary, but actually, it was rather funny, and ridiculous.

b) if i noticed the horn, y wouldnt spiderman, since he had all those slow motion seeing n stuff?



a) i though it was a ballon, i gotta see it again then

b) it is still a crappy and way overlyused phrase

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