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Saber Skinning (for Spacermonkey)


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You've explained very well how to skin player models, but how about saber models? i only have gmax and i have my skin file ready to go, but how do i create and use the .qc file? several other newbies have the same problem. can you help us out? once that's done, i can release my saber model!

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You shouldnt need the .qc unless your exporting from milkshape. If your model is complete and skinmaped and all that. Just import one of the other sabers included in the game. Steal the tags. Export the md3. Then in the md3viewer included with the tools there is an export glm option. Export your glm. saber_w.glm seems to be the common name. pk3 it up and your ready to go.

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avatar creation from jk2:

open a cheat server (devmap ffa_yavin, for mine) use the console commands /cg_thirdpersonangle and thirdpersonrange to line up the picture and then type bind a key to "screenshot" and then press that button to take the picture. find it in screenshots in base folder. modify your picture so what you want is in a .jpg no more than 70 by 70 pixels, then upload it in your profile settings. choose custom avatar and link to the file on your pc.

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Still dont know what? what to do with the qc file? Outcast isnt gonna need that file. Import another saber provided with the game, delete the saber keep the tags ie... Steal the tags. Merge the tags with your new saber. Export as md3 (saber_w.md3). Load the md3 in md3viewer provided with jk tools. Export glm (saber_w.glm). Pk3 it up with correct dir structure ie.... models/weapons2/saber make sure u have your skin in there with it. Put the pk3 in your base dir ... and wala new defualt saber model.

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Have you tried this with gmax? I certianly have. It doesn't work. I have my model UVWRAPPED, WITH tags IN GAME, but i cannot get the skin to show up. Player models have a .skin file, certainly the sabers need something. I have made a pk3 with the skin in the correct manner, but it doesn't show up! I think this is a gmax specific problem. I'm sure someone knows how to do this as there are functional saber models, i just don't know if anyone knows how to do it without 3dsmax, and if they do, i don't know why they don't speak up. i've searched everywhere for a tutorial, but as it's pretty much jk2 specific, there aren't any. I'm really quite desperate, as once i get this skinned, i'll be done!

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