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Lightmaps exceed map memory


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I am getting a very strange compiler error, i have never seen it before. It says "Lightmaps exceed max memory" during the light stage of compile. My map was compiling fine before. i just added some walkways above my main area, and some lights. Actually i was getting this error before, but i caulked the crap out of the map, and set the gridsize to 128 128 256... can someone give me some therapy...


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you're not alone :(


some people including me experienced this too


my gridsize was 96 96 192



for the record some questions:


what are the specs of your system?


how much space is available on your windows-harddrive for temporary datacaching?


have you had any other programms (also background apps like ICQ, virusscanners, etc) running during the compiling process?




experimenting with this error is difficult, because my system needs about 6 hours to get to the end of the light compiling where it stops with the error message "exceeded.. max memory.."



hope we can solve this

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i have like 3.5 gig free, that should be enough, and i have 256 of pc800 memory. It should compile. I mean, nar shadda streets is way big, its probly some flag somewhere in the compiler that raven doesnt care to tell anyone about, they probly figure the 'amatures' wont make big maps...


Justin "Jesterspaz" Negrete



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i was running the compiler on Win98 with 384 mb SDram, but i have to note that win98 can only manage about 256 mb ram.

Had about a gig of free space on my windrive.


additionaly i was surfing with more than 10 ie windows and had other programms running in background, so much of the ram was propably filled with data.



the next time i'll try to run the compiling process with WinXP and about 640 mb sdram that won't be used by other running programms


time will tell us more..

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Well i fixed it. Lets just say caulking is my new best friend. Although the quake engine ignores faces you cant see, it still takes them into consideration when doing the -light stage. So caulking all faces which arent going to be seen, they are ignored by light, thus more memory for light, thus no error, thus smaller bsp, thus shorter compile.


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lets say you walked around the problem ;)



since i've caulked most of my nonvisible faces in my testmap, i've to hope that more ram and another winsystem will do it, otherwise i'll have to make two levels ouf of my big one

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