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lightsaber conversion


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help...ok..i have my custom lightsaber but i don't have the patience,knowledge or software to convert it to pk3 format....so would someone do it for me.....pleeez

it has to go from a .mat format to a pk3 format:duel:

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Man I really wish ppl would take the time to go thru these threads before askin the same questions over and over and over again. Import one of the other lightsabers into max/gmax.. steal the tags. Export md3. Load the md3 in the md3viewer provided with the tools, export as glm. Assuming you have your skin already. Filenames should be like saber_w.glm saber_w.md3 saber_w_1.md3 (this is a lower lod I assume) saber1.jpg. Then use PakScape or some other pk3 packager (they are easy enough to find). make sure u have your models/skin in models/weapons2/saber in any dir any drive. And add the model dir to your pk3. Put the pk3 in your base dir and your done.

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Well, if the admin didn't lock the search function, perhaps I would search myself. However, since that isn't the case, I really didn't feel like trudging through countless pages on serveral forums without knowing if the plug-in I wanted was even listed in the community. All the same, thanks.

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