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Aayla Secura


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Alien_JL's skin will be released in a new pk3. I no longer have time to work on aayla so there will only be some skin and bot fixes done.

However I wont be releasing on jk2 until they put back my Aurra Sing model in the downloads section. (aayla is missing too but that doesnt bother me as much since I am releasing her again anyway.)

Also the fact that theres a 'twilek ellie' model... that is obviously my glm bugs the hell out of me. I've asked for that to be moved to the skin section but nothings been done about that either.

So I'm not happy, and yes I have informed several of the jk2 staff about this.

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I just checked jkII.net again and Spacermonkey's Aurra and Aayla model/skins have been added again. :)


I also checked the models/skin/bot sections for the imposter but I didn't see an 'Ellie' Twi'lek so I guess they did remove it?

It sucks though that they tried to rip off spacermonkey like that. I mean who does such a thing? :eek:


Still for all the hard work and excellent model/skin, :thumbsup: to you spacermoneky.

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Originally posted by Lucko Mabri

Whats so bad about reskinning a model? the modellers still get the modelling credit credit. Anyway twi'lek ellie is a good skin.


What is bad?


1- A reskin of the twilek model without credit to spacemonkey for the model.

2-A reskin of the sirrya skin by nanodagiardino without credit to nanodagiardino for the skin.

3-Ended up in the modeling forum so it wanted to pass has a new model.



1- The skin/skinner/modeller should be booooed into disgrace.

2-learn proper manners

3-the file should be deleted because it's a triple total RIPOFF.

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Booo at the ripoff!!! :mad:


Power to spacermonkey, nano, bradfu, hapslash and all the other guys who did a great job on the Aayla model/skin! :thumbsup:


BTW : Anyone remember the discussion a few pages back how spacermoneky's original skin was based on the Comic version of Aayla? (Which was different from the movie version of Aayla.)

In the newest comic 'Rite of Passage 1' Aayla looks much more like the movie version played by Amy Allen. (The body, muscle tone, eye colour, lekku all look like the movie Aayla. This probably because Jan Duursema did the penciling again, she originally drew Aayla in 'Twilight' and met Amy Allen at Celebration II. No doubt influenced by the EP II Aayla and meeting Amy she tweeked the comic version of Aayla to be mor ein sunc with the movie version. ) :)

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I think it was her first skin, killing the person and the whole work wouldn't be fair. It saddens me, and a little weenie bit of credit would have been nice. But I don't feel like killing all the work just for that, not on the first skin. So I won't have it removed or whatever. First time ok, if it happens again it's a whole different story. I will be less "nice"

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Mhh if I can borrow a flatbed scanner from one of my buddy's I can make some scans. I'd been thinking about that anyways.


I have an older HP 710 all in one and the scanner on that model isn't a flatbed, you have to let the paper through as a seperate page and I'm not tearing up my precious Aayla comics! :p


But I'm working on it! :D

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yous porbablys probably already know this but aayla secura was released in a skin pack with some other good twilek models.


(read my post under the plo koon thread, last page, it is a good suggestion taht would help out alot, well at least i think so)

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