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A question for BloodRiot and Absath...

Ten Tigers

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I know the unique Jedi that you guys are working on is all hush, hush. Thats kool, I can respect that. But what I was wondering about is the Darth Maul you are working on.


What wardrobe style will you be using?


The cloaked Maul from Tatooine? The robeless Maul from the Duel of the Fates battle? Or a shirtless Maul that I have seen released as a toy?


Thanks for taking the time to read this...

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Heya Ten.


Well I actually been using up all my time for the "hush hush" model... and i havent payed too much attention to Maul. Cheshirekat started a maul model recently. I just heard today.


I decided to let go of Maul in favor of Cheshire. He's ahead of me in maul and no use in having double models when we could have more variety.


So regarding Maul. Forward all questions towards Cheshire... oh from the pics It is the DotF version.

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Yeah, we've forgone Maul, simple because we are too entrenched in this secret project. And we've unofficially decided to stick to original characters from now on, as we both find them to more fun and creatively fulfilling. There is more artistic freedom, and we wont have people yelling "You forgot this part!" or "you should do this!" like we got with Fett.


It seemed to me that with the Fetts, the majority of the community wasnt satisfied. I heard alot of "it's good but you should make it so the jetpacks fire when he jumps!" or "Why didnt you model his twin blasters!?" and no matter how many times i scream "WE JUST CAN"T DO IT!!!" there are always more people asking why it wasnt included.


for me, anyway, doing original characters eliminates that whole scene (for the most part), and i feel it will let bloodriot and I really show off what we can do, which ultimatly is what will land us both jobs in this industry.




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Sweet, thanx man. I guess that's kool you putting more effort into the secret project. Logic dictates that would yeild more attention to detail. And so far you guys have proven that you put out more than models, you guys put out art.


Cheshire did such a wonderful job with Aurra and Lady Brenna, that it is nothing short of good news that he is taking up the Maul Project.


With all the talented modelers, skinners, and map makers around, it would be kool to see you guys all get together and form your own little software company. Made by gamers, for gamers. The only thing that seems to be missing from the circle is a programmer or two...

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Absath: That's kool. Ya gotta follow what really drives you. It sucks that a lot of people couldnt get the concept that some things require a complete reprogramming of the way JO works. I am keeping my eye on the Kallibur project with keen interest, but it seems that their biggest problem now is not enough programmers.


If you guys are seriously concidering going the custom character route, perhaps one of these days I will email some custom drawings I did for a Star Wars RPG I run. If you like something you see, you can feel free to take a stab at it. Currently I dont have a scanner so my artwork is stuck in my sketchbooks. But like I said, one of these days. Perhaps a couple months down the road when I can afford to invest in a scanner and perhaps even a stylus pad so I can clean them up in photoshop. Right now all I have is a trackball which makes doing anything art related on my computer a savage pain in the ass...

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Originally posted by Absath

people yelling "You forgot this part!" or "you should do this!" like we got with Fett.


That's the way of the world I'm afraid Absath - you give people an inch and they take a mile. Some people always want more, more, MORE because they are greedy and cannot see the pure effort that has to go into even the tinest project.


Rest assured that the true SW and Fett fans, the ones that are really stoked about BloodRiot's and your work are truly grateful for the the models as they stand. You did the best you could within the confines of JKII and created quite simply the best models I have ever seen - thank you.


Anyway - Maul ... by Cheshire? *drools*





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HUMPH! Those evil people should be happy they have mandalorians. And for the majority of the movie(ep 2 yay i saw it) jango has 1, yes only one blaster. I believe he only had twin blasters on kamino(camino? i dunno). You don't have to do completely new works. They could be from the novels or comics, since people don't know what they look like. They would just be from YOUR imagination. If they want jetpack flames or twin laser gun, they should make them themselves

*sits down and completes ridiculously short speech*:fett:

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Daont ask me for percentage cuz it would be to hard to tell... but I can say that this lil project his nearing completion...and release.


On other thing... just because it's secret..it doesnt mean it's gonna be like OH SUPER DOOPER ULTRA MEGA HYPER UBBER COOL or anything like that... to be honest it's the most basic thing you can possibly imagine. Something i think will fit. But if you want a sensation character you'd best be turning your heads over to SithLord's Exar Kun.


This Project is really a simple model.. take my word for it.


Just saying this so people dont get all their hopes up only to get disapointed afterwards when they see a pretty simple thing. :p

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Bloodriot is right when he says the model is very basic....but its also very cool, and something the default jk2 lacks. we will be giving this character a backstory, name etc, thus fleshing him out as a real character in the SW universe, and we also plan to create a couple of single player missions centering around this character as the player character.


but he does not have the celebrity and notoriety that the fetts carried, thus we expect his reception to be mixxed. some people will say "eh cool i guess...another model to tool around with" and some people (me included) will say "omg! this model is awesome! just what ive been waiting for!)


we can give you some definitive information. the model will be released on this friday. it is a POSSIBILITY that we will release it prior to that day. and i can also tell you that at some point before release, we will be starting a new thread about this character, in which you are all welcome to ask questions, speculate maybe even find out a detail or two ;)




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