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Some Models are Invisible in MP!!!


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All I see is a lightsaber coming at me. It's very frustrating because without being able to see them I can't defend worth a crap. Anyone else had this problem and know if there is a way to fix it?


Thanks in advance,



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I doubt that it is mindtrick , cause if it was mindtrick you would't even see a saber. There are two other solutions. There's a skin that lets you play as kyles hands . It came with the game but doesn't show up in the skin selection screen, you can select it with a certain code though. If you have installed the patch it shouldn't work anymore. The second possibility is that you downloaded a custom skin (that makes you invisible ) when you joined a server . To remove it delete camoman.pk3 in your base folder and disable downloads in your game options. Everybody that uses this skin should now show up as Kyle.

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