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any mapmodel requests?


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Hi all, I'm an intermediate modelmaker and would like to make some general mapmodels for the community to use. However, no one knows better than all you guys what is needed. I will try my best to fill requests and make models look decent.


Anything like......




and so on!

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That would own.


So would...


Speeder Bikes (for variety purpouses)


T-14 Land Speeder


T-16 Land Speeder


That yellow convertable looking hovercar Anakin used in the begining of Attack of the Clones


Dew Backs*






Jabba the Hutt*


*these would of course be static, and not animated. But theywould look kool none the less....

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Jabba's palace... wonder if someone could make a rancor...that would be cool. But yeah, jabba's palace is a must, and maybe the ewok village in the trees. And is there a way you can use the force to throw switches? in mysteries of the sith you could, and i think someone should fix the carbon chamber so if someone falls in you can force pull or push the switch to activate the carbon freezer. muahahhaha!

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I think the community could benifit from the following list.


speeder bikes


a snow monster trapped in a block of ice (a guy is making a snow cave map) sorry dont know the creatures name he had luke in his fridge for awhile.


those dragon skeletons for the dessert maps (cpt antilles is making a pit of cankoon map)


a Dewback animal would rock!


a sliced snow animal what were those smelly things called that luke took a nap in?


creatures from Degobah, there is a guy making a degobah map. those flying things.


I would love to see a duel map in a worm's stomach with those flying creatures. You could make those flying creatures.


Thats all I can think of for now.



I wish we could incorporate imperial sensor droids from sp that spawn in duel maps and shoot at you.

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wow thanks for the abundance of ideas!

re the speeder bikes, have you seen my swoop?



Funny, I had thought of the krayt dragon skeleton earlier...

The wampa sounds like fun...I may just do that...

I'm not sure if JKII supports transparent textures like ice.

Also, a wampa would make a killer player model!

It sounds like there is a big demand for tatooine stuff...

I'll get to that first

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