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force fields not what you think


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ok first how do i edit the "forcefield" shader to reflect bullets

then how do i get my buttons that avitate the force field to be force powered(multiplayer) don't just say tick the X box of a func_door that doesn't work how do i get my buttons(or func_doors) to wait a few seconds bfore the button is usable again and have the force field go on ( button off shield off button moves back into place shield gos on)



PS: i focre activated one is the most important on i need ok thx

PPS: how does a duel map that has a large dueling area in one part that is a force field floor which can be turned off and would make the dueler fall into a pit of lava or a small plat form and dueling place below

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Make it a func_wall ("invincible") or a func_door (check the "saber_only" or ""heavy_weapon_only" box, which only show up for sp_entities).


In MP...


Give the force_field or the button a "wait" "x" variable, with x being the seconds till the door works again.

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i have and ive read posts that say the little X tick box is the force on but i have yet to get to to accaully be activated by the force although ive tryed also can you hollow cones. o and about the force field going off andon if i but wait it won't turn back on again after its done waiting or it will work once then just the bottom will just reset at the default speed and the shield won't go on unless you hit the button again

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Try using some punctuation and paragraphs next time. ;)


Anyway, the wait on the func_usable just means that it can't be triggered again until that time runs out. It doesn't mean it pops back when it's over. It's just a toggle. If you want it to pop back, try making the trigger that targets the func_usable (forcfield) also target a target_delay that is set to wait a certain amount of seconds, then trigger the func_usable again.


Okay, I'm going to try something... Copy all of the text below, not including the dotted lines, and then open up JK2Radiant, and paste it in. It should give you an example of a forcefield that returns in 3 seconds after being activated...




// entity 1


"wait" "3"

"target" "field"

"spawnflags" "8"

"angle" "90"

"classname" "func_usable"

// brush 0


( 80 -16 24 ) ( 48 -16 24 ) ( 48 -48 24 ) system/caulk 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( 64 -48 56 ) ( 64 -16 56 ) ( 96 -16 56 ) system/caulk 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( 64 -32 48 ) ( 96 -32 48 ) ( 96 -32 32 ) cairn/c_cameraswitch 64 192 0 0.125000 0.125000

( 88 -48 48 ) ( 88 -16 48 ) ( 88 -16 32 ) system/caulk 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( 96 -16 48 ) ( 64 -16 48 ) ( 64 -16 32 ) system/caulk 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( 56 -16 48 ) ( 56 -48 48 ) ( 56 -48 32 ) system/caulk 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000



// entity 2


"origin" "120 8 56"

"targetname" "field"

"target" "field_return"

"classname" "target_relay"


// entity 3


"spawnflags" "0"

"targetname" "force_field"

"wait" "3"

"classname" "func_usable"

// brush 0


( 64 64 0 ) ( -64 64 0 ) ( -64 56 0 ) system/cushion 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( -72 56 128 ) ( -72 64 128 ) ( 56 64 128 ) system/cushion 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( -64 56 48 ) ( 64 56 48 ) ( 64 56 32 ) doomgiver/forcefield 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( 64 56 48 ) ( 64 64 48 ) ( 64 64 32 ) system/cushion 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( 64 64 48 ) ( -64 64 48 ) ( -64 64 32 ) system/cushion 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000

( -64 64 48 ) ( -64 56 48 ) ( -64 56 32 ) system/cushion 0 0 0 0.250000 0.250000



// entity 4


"spawnflags" "1"

"wait" "3"

"origin" "120 60 56"

"target" "force_field"

"targetname" "field_return"

"classname" "target_delay"


// entity 5


"origin" "0 8 56"

"targetname" "field"

"target" "force_field"

"classname" "target_relay"





And if you're talking about a patchmesh cone, you don't want to hollow it, you wan to thicken it. Select it, and go to Curve > Thicken. Fool around w/ the settings untill you get it right ;)

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