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Any ideas, the moving button trick


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Is it possible to set up a lift that has a switch attached to it and moves with the lift


i figured how to set up the button to work in the raised and lowered possitions, and im using a door for the lift the only problem now is that i need the door to be rendered only as it travels up the shaft


Also anyone figured away to torch open a door like at the begining of a new hope

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i did it with a large utility lift in my map by having a console and button shaped brush that was part of the func_door (lift) and making a usable trigger brush that triggered the func_door (lift) and target speakers that sound like a button over the places where the button shaped brush would be sitting when its at the top and at the bottom of its path.


it means the "button" would only be usable when its at the top or at the bottom and so is in the usable triggers airspace


the problem i realized with having the button on the lift is that if the player presses the button and then runs off the lift the lift goes up and the players left at the bottom with no way to call it



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