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1-hit-kill mod


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I have made a mod that makes it so that all you have to do is shoot somone only ONCE and they die. The reason why I made this is because, I think, it is more real. In the movies, when someone gets shot, they DIE! In these games, you have to shoot them 3 times! How unrealistic! I know that they need to do that or it would be t easy. But once you beat it, you might as well just make it as real as possible.

What do you all think? Should I submit it to jk2files and jkii.net? Feel free to leave feedback on this!



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Sounds good, submit it. One thing I would suggest before you release it, would to be name it "Movie realism" or something, and add partial dismemberment to it. Something like..


g_saberrealisticcombat 1

g_dismemberment 40

g_dismemberprobablity 70


Add some limb chopping to it.


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You're right. Leia does get shot, in the ARM! And with Darth Vader, he doesn't really get shot, he blocks it. But, I can't make it so that they only die when shot in arm. I just made everyones health 1. I found it hard to protect the r5 unit in the bespin level. I did not make your teams health to 1 because it would be WAY too hard. I have made it and will submit it, I'll probably name it 1-hit-kill or, what Nookie suggested, Movie Realism. Keep an eye out for it! Thanks for the suggestions!:leia::vadar:

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You should make it so someone doesn't die if they're hit in the arm or leg. Maybe you can make it so they run slower or something. What would be cool, too, is if you made it so they lose an arm, leg, etc. if it's shot. Just brainstorming...I have no idea if any of this would work.

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Nice ideas, but I have already thought of them all. You wouldn't believe how long I have been trying to have dismemberment for your pistol. Does anyone know where the dismemberment effects, graphics, etc.. is located? Is it in Assets0? .dat file? Any help is appreciated. Also, I am planning on submitting this very soon.

I also ran across a VERY good saber hilt and I think you people should go take a look. 2 saber hilts is the name. It is near this very thread. At least, at the moment it is. The hilts look great.

GEEZE! I'm getting off track. If anyone can tell me a file that has a lot o things I can edit (not the npc.cfg, I know of it already). I also found the weapons.dat, I couldn't find anything about dismemberment there though. Please feel free to keep giving suggestions, comments, anything you wish.


HaPpY gAmInG`!



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Originally posted by Phillio

Yes, they would die with force powers too. I made it so that all the bad guys have 1 health. Everything will kill em. :p



KEY WORD: Bad guys have 1 health, not YOU or your team!

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I'm glad someone's noticed this besides me. I look forward to your mod. SUGGESTION, instead of making everyone's health 1, why not bump up blaster damage to huge levels. Sabers too. This would solve many problems with your idea. (although i'm not sure how one would go about doing it) first, you can apply it to yourself, to make a more difficult game, instead of less difficult. saber battles would be more tense, since one hit and you're dead. Falling wouldn't hurt, and if by chance you missed a blocked shot, bye bye. Maybe set the blaster bolts to between 50 and 80 damage (1-3 shots kills) and sabers up huge, like 200 damage (to blow by shields and kill), but don't apply it to jan and luke, cause they would die huge, and maybe not tavion and desann. i don't know, anyway, just an idea. also, i've been looking for a mod, and maybe you're the man to make it. I want saberrealisticcombat, but i don't want stormtroopers to explode into 12 parts when i touch them with my saber, i want a mod that allows only 1 dismember per enemy. whatever is hit first. would be realistic, since watching stormtroopers explode is not what i had in mind for saberrealistic.

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One problemo: weapon strength cannot be changed.


And speaking of exploding troopers, I wish there were a way to script explosive weapons to set off most, if not all, of the dismember points of an enemy. It makes more sense for a thermal detonator to "explode" an enemy than a lightsaber.

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Originally posted by snakeeyesa27

saber battles would be more tense, since one hit and you're dead.


Perhaps you're not using the saber correctly if body parts are just flying off everywhere. :p When I pass stormtroopers with g_saberrealisticcombat, I do a side slice and just pop their heads off. :D

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