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Force based sabering system


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I was just reading the post by inter on manual blocking, and an idea occured to me. Why not have several 'saber-events', shall we call them, force dependent?


The example I gave on Inter's thread was of auto-blocking. Auto-blocking should, I think, drain force power, whereas manual blocking should not. This I think would rectify many of the problems which lead Inter to suggest a manual blocking key (such as making blasters useless and saber comabt less skillful) while not causing any real problems (such as nerfing the saber, problems for dialups never being able to block in time and making snipers more powerful.) If you want more details of that discussion, I recomment visiting Inter's thread.


Also, I think special saber moves should drain force if used, backstab/swipe especially. This way one would have to conserve force to be able to use it, and will cause the palyer problems if they mess it up. Certain moves (such as forward lunge and medium finisher) should be made more effective to reflect this.


These two measures combined would make saber use far more skillfull. If you rely on autoblock, you will find it hard to use specials. The draining mature of autoblock will make normal saber swings more effective. Constant backstabbing will no longer be an option, but (if lunge and finsher are enhached) there will be a greater range of powerful moves for use in FFA to counterbalance against guns. Finally, guns like the stormtrooper rifle will now be more effective.


So what does everyone think? Will this make the game better or not? Any obvious problems I haven't noticed?

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If this idea would/could be implented, the game would be MUCH better, it's sales would succeed the sims, skillless players all over the world would hang their heads in shame, newbies would be introduced to a game of "no-spamming", lameness would be eliminated and purged from this game and.... ahem... getting carried away here....


Well, the game WOULD be made better in my humble opinion.

Especially the "lungists" would be forzed to think of a new tactic.

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I shouldn't think it would be too complicated to implement, after all all it would be doing is fiddling with the force meter and adding in the single player block key function. The only real problem would be balance: with saber specials and blocking force dependent would this put gunners at too great an advantage? I'm sure this could be solved, however.

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I think that's a great idea for the Saber-only servers and great for the lower guns, but the saber block via force would also make imp. heavy repeater or sniper spam a nightmare to block. IMO, if this were ever implemented into the game, it should come with an on / off switch in server startup or coupled into saber-only (or tweaked without the block part. IMHO, that's the biggest reason people use saber around me ;) ).


Addressing the "lungists," my opinion is to leave these poor saps alone in terms of a really high cost (but yes, a menial force cost for this move would be proper to avoid spam). Lunge only does 30 dmg not unlike saber throw, and since lunge is so easy to avoid (or for the insane, to pull a yellow finisher on :) ), it's typically not as much of a problem as backstabbers.


You know who you are, and every time a "Backstab-Only" player infects my favorite server I tend to kill spam him or her or just bitch them off. Or worse, pull-backstab spammers. Ugh.


In this area I love your suggestion, and call for a 5-force cost to perform the move and/or a wait timer between push/pull and a backstab/slash to keep the spammers away. After all, it is kinda embarrassing to lose to a one-trick horse every once in a while... :(


That's just my two-cents in this area. Merc out.

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Wow, i think thats brilliant (curses backstabbers)... the only problem i would see for myself is "where the heck am i gonna find a place to put a block key"... oh well, such things will be figured out in time.

another pitfall would be balancing the force drain. Backstab should take about 1/4th of your force, so missing will mess you up pretty badly, especially if your trying to combo the pull with it.


Also, i think that if DFA, yellow finisher and lunge would require force (say, another 1/4th of your bar) they'd have to be a little more powerful... I know DFA's been toned down... but there are times when the guys standing still, and i DFA right on, and he does't die (even with 200% shields, if he's standing still, he deserves to die)... also, connecting with yellow finisher is really too tricky now....


on a side note... does anyone else think heal is next to useless now? 50% mana for 25 health?... i think mana cost should be reduced to abotu 1/3rd

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I agree, Mercen4ry, the imp heavy repeater could be a problem. Maybe if the force use for blocking was very low per hit for that weapon. The force use would be much higher to block, let say, a bowcaster or a disruptor shot. I am not sure how easy this would be to implement.


Personally I feel the repeater, the flechette and the rocket launcher need to be toned down a little anyway, but that's another issue and one I doubt will receive a lot of support :) . I am sure it could be made to work anyway. Maybe superaccurate rebound for repeater shots is a possiblity? Who knows? It is something to consider though.

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