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Mace Windu Skin


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I am especially proud of this skin. I think this is incredibly accurate, except for one thing. The head is not the greatest. Anyone good skinners willing to offer their services in some form to fix up his head. *Cough* Bradfu *Cough*


Please feel free to comment on my skin, good or bad, I can take it. :)




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That's cool, is it based on the Jedi2 model? If so, you're welcome to use the head from mine. If not, it probably won't work well on yours, but I can try and do a new Windu head based on whatever model you used.




PS - Let's see some bigger screenshots! More detail! :)

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Hi guys, i was just wondering how i could get that skin (which i think is really good).


Also, you guys seem to know what you are doing, how can i make skins. I have tried but couldn't understand what to do. Please help me.



PS. Does you Mace Windu skin have a purple saber, if not when i get the skin can i change it?


A lot of questions i know, please try to answer if u can. Thanks :p

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Originally posted by ze iron mole

Hi guys, i was just wondering how i could get that skin (which i think is really good).


Also, you guys seem to know what you are doing, how can i make skins. I have tried but couldn't understand what to do. Please help me.



PS. Does you Mace Windu skin have a purple saber, if not when i get the skin can i change it?


A lot of questions i know, please try to answer if u can. Thanks :p


First of all, Thank you. Ok, I have yet to post this skin on any sites. I will send it in once it is done. Raven released a tutorial on how to make MP skins, that should rpove useful to you. Yes, the saber can be changed ingame. It can be Purple, Blue, Green or any color to your heart's content.

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This is based on Galak, right? I would recommend basing it on the Jedi model using the Jed2 head and face. The collar isn't right on this one (Mace Windu doesn't have much of a collar :) ). If you base it on the Jedi2 model, you can simply drop the head and face in from my Mace Windu. I had considered refining mine further, but I've decided against it, since Klorel has a Windu model in progress that will probably be better than any skin based on current models :) I'm going to make me an alien Jedi using the clothing I made for my Windu. Not sure what his species will be called, that'll be my own invention, but he's reptilian and has blue skin. I'll post a screenshot later :)



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We should join forces and make a combined Jedi skin pack :) I really like making Jedi skins, so hopefully I can contribute some good ones. Check out my Master Tauw thread (which I'm about to post).



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