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Changing Demos into AVIs or MPGs


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There is a script so when you press O it starts recording, and when you press P is stops. I can't find a link though. But I got a demo file saved (221K). I try to open it in Vegas Video 3, which is a very nice program. But it doesn't open. What format are the demo files in? And why can ulead video studio open it and vegas video can't?

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Alright, I've been thinking this over...

I'm guessing that the demo file can only be read by jk2, so, since I don't have tv-out on my video card, is there a way to hook up screen capture w/o tv-out and a vcr?

Then for audio, hook up a patch cable from the line-out to line-in?

I have a webcam...but it sucks, so...can anyone figure this one out?

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Jedi Knight 2's codes for demos are exactly the same as RtCW's..

I wouldnt be surprised if the codes for AVI demos would be the same as well...


HANG ON... SEARCHING wolfenstein FORUMS...


To bad it dousnt make a direct movie of it... but makes a hell uv a lot of frames that you can paste together in 'animation shop 3' for example (comes with Paint Shop Pro).


anyways, you make a demo...

Then you play it and type in the console: /cl_avidemo X

X is the number of frames per second you want it to make (those screenies you need to put together).

Then all you need to do is take the screenshots out of your JK2/Gamedata/Base/Screenshots directory and into some program to put em all together...

It will take A LOT of space though... but i dont think theres any other way to do it...

(except taping it with a video recorder).


I hope this works/helps...

(It may not work, as it is... after all... a RtCW code).

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I tried Camtasia 3.0.2. I got the full version too :D. It works but gets about 2 fps. It's definetely the best way to go w/o tv-out and vcr. But if 2 fps isn't good enough, just go here

and put those 2 files in your /base. It records a regular demo, but it requires no setup. Press O, it records. Press P, it stops. It's just an easier way to record demos.

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1) If you have TV-Out on your video card and you can capture to a .mpg or .avi, that's the best way in your situation.


2) If you don't have hardware like that, you have a few options:


a. Use Camtasia 3.0.2, but you will get approximately 2 fps, but with audio.


b. Use this command BEFORE you start the demo you've recorded: /cl_avidemo X X being the number of screens taken per second, I think. It does work.


Extra) To convert to .avi or .mpg later, after using /cl_avidemo X, I suggest making an animated gif. Then importing into Flash MX, then export to .avi. Or if you don't have Flash MX, import the animated gif into a video editing program, such as Vegas Video 3.



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Sorry about the link...


I uploaded what I originally got to my personal site:




Unzip it and place autoexec.cfg and Recordingdemos.cfg in your /base folder.

By default, O will start recording and P will stop it. You can open Recordingdemos.cfg and change the keys you would press to start and stop the recording.


Don't bother trying to convert to avi or mpg, just record a demo (file size is very small), and send it to your friend to watch, and tell them to move it to their /base/demos folder. :D

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